Doradca ds. obsługi klienta z językiem niemieckim
Capita Polska
Kraków, małopolskie
Umowa o pracę
Jako Doradca ds. obsługi klienta w firmie Capita dołączysz do zespołu osób zaangażowanych we wspieranie naszych klientów. Twoimi zadaniami będą: zapewnianie kompleksowej obsługi klienta na najwyższym poziomie oraz obsługiwanie zapytań telefonicznych i mailowych.
Zakres obowiązków:
• Wspieranie klienta poprzez różne kanały (połączenia przychodzace i wiadomości)
• Analizowanie oraz rozwiązywanie zapytań klientów
• Udzielanie informacji związanych z aspektami administracyjnymi i technicznymi (produkty, faktury itp.)
• Wprowadzanie zmian w systemie
• Współpraca z innymi działami w celu zapewnienia kompleksowej obsługi klienta
• Znajomość języka niemieckiego na poziomie min. C1
• Podstawowa znajomość języka angielskiego
• Prokliencka postawa i dobre umiejętności organizacyjne i komunikacyjne
• Znajomość programów pakietu Office
• Gotowość do pracy w systemie zmianowym (8:00-16:00 i 14:00-22:00) 5 dni w tygodniu, 40 godzin tygodniowo, od poniedziałku do niedzieli
• Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie w oparciu o umowe o pracę (8800-9900zł + premia za wyniki do 2000zł brutto miesięcznie)
• Bonus relokacyjny
• Pakiet medyczny Luxmed oraz dodatkowe ubezpieczenie Generali
• Karta Multisport Plus / Classic lub system Multikafeteryjny
• Pozytywna atmosfera i równowaga między pracą, a życiem prywatnym (30-minutowa przerwa na lunch wliczona w 8-godzinny czas pracy)
• Program wsparcia psychologicznego dla Ciebie i Twoich bliskich (Mental Health Helpline)
• Dodatkowy dzień wolny na wolontariat
• Dostęp do różnorodnych grup pracowniczych oraz programów mentoringowych
• Możliwość dołączenia do grona trenerów wewnętrznych
• Transparentna ścieżka rozwoju kariery
• Międzynarodowe środowisko z silnymi powiązaniami ze szwajcarską kulturą biznesową
You’ll be joining a network of 55,000 experienced, innovative and dedicated individuals across multiple disciplines and sectors. There are countless opportunities to learn new skills and develop in your career, and we’ll provide the support you need to do just that. Our purpose is to create a better outcome for you.
What we hope you’ll do next:
Click ‘Apply now’ to fill out our short application form, so that we can find out more about you.
About Capita
Capita is a consulting, transformation and digital services business. Every day our colleagues help millions of people, by delivering innovative solutions to transform and simplify the connections between businesses and customers, governments and citizens. We partner with clients and provide the insight and cutting-edge technologies that give time back, allowing them to focus on what they do best and making people’s lives easier and simpler. Capita is a leading business services provider with over 55,000 employees, operating in the UK, Europe, India and South Africa.
Capita Poland supports clients across various sectors, including local government, customer service, procurement, life and pensions, insurance, data analysis, and learning and development. We operate in three locations – Kraków, Opole and Łódź.
Daily, we deal with simple processes like checking data correctness, contacting with clients, training coordination, and much more complex processes like closing general ledgers, reporting, financial analysis, claims processing, systems implementation, technical customer support, or fleet administration.
We’re an equal opportunity employer, which means we’ll consider all suitably qualified applicants regardless of gender identity or expression, ethnic origin, nationality, religion or beliefs, age, sexual orientation, disability status or any other protected characteristic. We recruit and develop our people based on merit and their passion for creating better outcomes, and we’re committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.
Pursuant to Art. 13 par. 1 and par. 2 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the 27th of April 2016 we hereby inform that:
1. The data controller of your personal data is Capita (Polska) Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Krakow, ul. Lubicz 23; Kraków, KRS 0000365071, REGON , NIP 5252488222.
In case of any questions or requests concerning data processing, you can contact us at: @
2. Your personal information will be processed for the purpose of the recruitment process, including the assessment of qualifications, aptitudes and abilities required for the position for which you will be applying and/or future recruitment processes if you requested that by checking the relevant box below.
3. The legal basis for processing your personal data:
a. Article 6(1)(c) of GDPR (processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation incumbent on the controller) and Article 6(1)(b) of GDPR (processing is necessary to take action at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract) to the extent indicated in labor laws (including but not limited to, the extent resulting from Article 221 § 1 of the Labor Code, such aname and surname;; date of birth; contact detailed (correspondence address); education; employment record to date
b. Your consent – for processing other data provided in the CV and in the cover letter in case you voluntarily providing us with data other than we requested. , and for processing your personal data in future recruitment processes in case you agree to take part in those processes.
c. Our legitimate interest (article 6(1)(f) of GDPR) – in terms of data collected during the interview as well as results of the qualification tests. We have a legitimate interest in verifying your abilities, aptitudes, legality of stay and work – we require this to assess whether you are a suitable person for the post in question.
4. Your personal information will be transferred to processor outside the European Economic Area (EEA), located in United Kingdom as a part of a recruitment process and Hiring Managers located in different locations in the UK, Ireland and India. In the case of transferring personal data to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the European Commission has decided to determine an adequate level of data protection. The transfer of personal data to India is based on the application of the Standard Contractual Clauses included in the Data Transfer Agreement (DTA), to which the Group company Capita located in India, is a signatory.Your personal data will be transferred to recipients participating in the recruitment and employment process, i.e., to companies handling the legalization of residence/ employment, medical check (Luxmed Sp. z o.o.) occupational health and safety training services (Safety Umbrella Sp. z o.o), HR (Human Resources) and payroll services (AdAc Sp. z o.o.), as well as to companies related to Capita Group. After a successful recruitment process, your data will be shared with a medical facility with which the Administrator has a contract to conduct preliminary examinations, with the facility being a separate Data Controller. Your personal data may be also disclosed to entities and authorities authorized to process such data.
5. Your personal data will be stored from the day of sending your CV:
a. for a period of 6 months for the processing of your personal data in the current recruitment process for which you applied,
b. for a period of 12 months if you give your consent for the processing of your personal data for the purpose of future recruitment processes.
6. You have the right to request access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data, restriction of processing or the right to data portability.
The right to withdraw consent at any time is not affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
7. At any time you have the right to object to the processing of your data. In such a situation, the Controller will cease to process your data for the aforementioned purposes, unless the Controller can demonstrate that with respect to your data there are valid legitimate grounds that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or your data will be necessary for us to possibly establish, assert or defend claims.
8. The provision of your personal data to the extent provided by labor law, including in particular to the extent provided by Article 221 of the Labor Code, is a statutory obligation and at the same time is necessary for you to participate in the recruitment procedure. Failure to provide data will result in your inability to participate in the recruitment procedure. Your provision of other data is voluntary.
9. Your personal data will not be a subject to the automated decision-making, including profiling.
10. You have the right to lodge a complaint on unlawful processing of your personal data, to the supervisory authority: Data Protection Authority of the Republic of Poland (UODO, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw)
Zakres obowiązków:
• Wspieranie klienta poprzez różne kanały (połączenia przychodzace i wiadomości)
• Analizowanie oraz rozwiązywanie zapytań klientów
• Udzielanie informacji związanych z aspektami administracyjnymi i technicznymi (produkty, faktury itp.)
• Wprowadzanie zmian w systemie
• Współpraca z innymi działami w celu zapewnienia kompleksowej obsługi klienta
• Znajomość języka niemieckiego na poziomie min. C1
• Podstawowa znajomość języka angielskiego
• Prokliencka postawa i dobre umiejętności organizacyjne i komunikacyjne
• Znajomość programów pakietu Office
• Gotowość do pracy w systemie zmianowym (8:00-16:00 i 14:00-22:00) 5 dni w tygodniu, 40 godzin tygodniowo, od poniedziałku do niedzieli
• Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie w oparciu o umowe o pracę (8800-9900zł + premia za wyniki do 2000zł brutto miesięcznie)
• Bonus relokacyjny
• Pakiet medyczny Luxmed oraz dodatkowe ubezpieczenie Generali
• Karta Multisport Plus / Classic lub system Multikafeteryjny
• Pozytywna atmosfera i równowaga między pracą, a życiem prywatnym (30-minutowa przerwa na lunch wliczona w 8-godzinny czas pracy)
• Program wsparcia psychologicznego dla Ciebie i Twoich bliskich (Mental Health Helpline)
• Dodatkowy dzień wolny na wolontariat
• Dostęp do różnorodnych grup pracowniczych oraz programów mentoringowych
• Możliwość dołączenia do grona trenerów wewnętrznych
• Transparentna ścieżka rozwoju kariery
• Międzynarodowe środowisko z silnymi powiązaniami ze szwajcarską kulturą biznesową
You’ll be joining a network of 55,000 experienced, innovative and dedicated individuals across multiple disciplines and sectors. There are countless opportunities to learn new skills and develop in your career, and we’ll provide the support you need to do just that. Our purpose is to create a better outcome for you.
What we hope you’ll do next:
Click ‘Apply now’ to fill out our short application form, so that we can find out more about you.
About Capita
Capita is a consulting, transformation and digital services business. Every day our colleagues help millions of people, by delivering innovative solutions to transform and simplify the connections between businesses and customers, governments and citizens. We partner with clients and provide the insight and cutting-edge technologies that give time back, allowing them to focus on what they do best and making people’s lives easier and simpler. Capita is a leading business services provider with over 55,000 employees, operating in the UK, Europe, India and South Africa.
Capita Poland supports clients across various sectors, including local government, customer service, procurement, life and pensions, insurance, data analysis, and learning and development. We operate in three locations – Kraków, Opole and Łódź.
Daily, we deal with simple processes like checking data correctness, contacting with clients, training coordination, and much more complex processes like closing general ledgers, reporting, financial analysis, claims processing, systems implementation, technical customer support, or fleet administration.
We’re an equal opportunity employer, which means we’ll consider all suitably qualified applicants regardless of gender identity or expression, ethnic origin, nationality, religion or beliefs, age, sexual orientation, disability status or any other protected characteristic. We recruit and develop our people based on merit and their passion for creating better outcomes, and we’re committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.
Pursuant to Art. 13 par. 1 and par. 2 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the 27th of April 2016 we hereby inform that:
1. The data controller of your personal data is Capita (Polska) Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Krakow, ul. Lubicz 23; Kraków, KRS 0000365071, REGON , NIP 5252488222.
In case of any questions or requests concerning data processing, you can contact us at: @
2. Your personal information will be processed for the purpose of the recruitment process, including the assessment of qualifications, aptitudes and abilities required for the position for which you will be applying and/or future recruitment processes if you requested that by checking the relevant box below.
3. The legal basis for processing your personal data:
a. Article 6(1)(c) of GDPR (processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation incumbent on the controller) and Article 6(1)(b) of GDPR (processing is necessary to take action at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract) to the extent indicated in labor laws (including but not limited to, the extent resulting from Article 221 § 1 of the Labor Code, such aname and surname;; date of birth; contact detailed (correspondence address); education; employment record to date
b. Your consent – for processing other data provided in the CV and in the cover letter in case you voluntarily providing us with data other than we requested. , and for processing your personal data in future recruitment processes in case you agree to take part in those processes.
c. Our legitimate interest (article 6(1)(f) of GDPR) – in terms of data collected during the interview as well as results of the qualification tests. We have a legitimate interest in verifying your abilities, aptitudes, legality of stay and work – we require this to assess whether you are a suitable person for the post in question.
4. Your personal information will be transferred to processor outside the European Economic Area (EEA), located in United Kingdom as a part of a recruitment process and Hiring Managers located in different locations in the UK, Ireland and India. In the case of transferring personal data to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the European Commission has decided to determine an adequate level of data protection. The transfer of personal data to India is based on the application of the Standard Contractual Clauses included in the Data Transfer Agreement (DTA), to which the Group company Capita located in India, is a signatory.Your personal data will be transferred to recipients participating in the recruitment and employment process, i.e., to companies handling the legalization of residence/ employment, medical check (Luxmed Sp. z o.o.) occupational health and safety training services (Safety Umbrella Sp. z o.o), HR (Human Resources) and payroll services (AdAc Sp. z o.o.), as well as to companies related to Capita Group. After a successful recruitment process, your data will be shared with a medical facility with which the Administrator has a contract to conduct preliminary examinations, with the facility being a separate Data Controller. Your personal data may be also disclosed to entities and authorities authorized to process such data.
5. Your personal data will be stored from the day of sending your CV:
a. for a period of 6 months for the processing of your personal data in the current recruitment process for which you applied,
b. for a period of 12 months if you give your consent for the processing of your personal data for the purpose of future recruitment processes.
6. You have the right to request access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data, restriction of processing or the right to data portability.
The right to withdraw consent at any time is not affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
7. At any time you have the right to object to the processing of your data. In such a situation, the Controller will cease to process your data for the aforementioned purposes, unless the Controller can demonstrate that with respect to your data there are valid legitimate grounds that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or your data will be necessary for us to possibly establish, assert or defend claims.
8. The provision of your personal data to the extent provided by labor law, including in particular to the extent provided by Article 221 of the Labor Code, is a statutory obligation and at the same time is necessary for you to participate in the recruitment procedure. Failure to provide data will result in your inability to participate in the recruitment procedure. Your provision of other data is voluntary.
9. Your personal data will not be a subject to the automated decision-making, including profiling.
10. You have the right to lodge a complaint on unlawful processing of your personal data, to the supervisory authority: Data Protection Authority of the Republic of Poland (UODO, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw)
(za 2 dni)
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