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Siedziba główna
Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)
International transport company with excessive specialization in the transportation and logistics of food products.
We are commited to sustainable growth - The Best-in-Class … entrepreneurship, flexibility, rapidity, competitiveness and delivering premium quality - Striving towards relationship and transparent communication with all stakeholders. Employees, customers, suppliers, the physical, social and economical environment We also compete fairly and act by strict ethical principles. Our services: - Bulk liquid (road and intermodal solutions) - Bulk powder (road and intermodal solutions) - Conditioned goods (road and intermodal solutions) - Container trucking and Ocean transport - Food grade cleaning stations in Sailly-sur-la-Lys (FR), Panevezys (LT), Moscow (RUS), Hull (GB) and Villafranca (IT) - Warehouse in Dover (UK) - Bulking system in Ieper (BE) and Liverpool (GB)
- Miasto
- Ypres
- Siedziba główna
- Ypres, Flemish Region
- Branża
- Transport, logistyka, łańcuch dostaw i składowanie
Rok założenia
Liczba pracowników
1 001-5 000
Liczba obserwujących