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Czy to Twoja firma?
Comac Medical praca
Czy to Twoja firma?
Jesteśmy Comac Medical – Twoim zaufanym partnerem w świecie innowacji medycznych. Nasza podróż rozpoczęła się w 1997 roku, kiedy to Dr. Milen Vrabevski postanowił wprowadzić na rynek nową jakość usług badawczych i rozwoju leków. Od tego czasu nieustannie rozwijamy naszą działalność, aby wspierać branżę medyczną i farmaceutyczną w tworzeniu przyszłości opieki zdrowotnej.
Specjalizujemy się w usługach CRO i SMO, które obejmują wsparcie na każdym etapie rozwoju leków – od wczesnych badań aż po późne fazy testów klinicznych. Nasza oferta jest odpowiedzią na potrzeby nowoczesnej medycyny i wyzwania, które stawia przed nami szybko zmieniający się świat.
Z dumą zatrudniamy ponad 300 wykwalifikowanych pracowników, którzy każdego dnia przyczyniają się do poprawy jakości życia pacjentów na całym świecie. Nasza międzynarodowa obecność obejmuje działalność w najlepszych instytucjach opieki zdrowotnej w 28 krajach europejskich oraz w USA i Kanadzie. To pozwala nam na wymianę doświadczeń i ciągłe doskonalenie naszych metod pracy.
W Comac Medical wierzymy, że przyszłość można przewidzieć jedynie poprzez jej tworzenie. Dlatego też innowacja jest dla nas kluczowym elementem, który napędza nasze działania i pozwala wyznaczać nowe kierunki w medycynie. Nasze rozwiązania są nie tylko nowatorskie, ale także niezawodne i bezpieczne – co jest potwierdzone przez naszych partnerów i klientów.
Jesteśmy firmą, która ceni sobie elastyczność i indywidualne podejście do każdego projektu. Rozumiemy, że każdy klient ma unikalne potrzeby, dlatego nasze usługi są zawsze dostosowane do specyficznych wymagań. Nasza zdolność do terminowego realizowania kluczowych kamieni milowych, przy zachowaniu wysokiej jakości pracy i kontroli kosztów, jest tym, co wyróżnia nas na rynku.
Założyciel naszej firmy, Dr. Milen Vrabevski, nadal jest naszym inspirującym liderem i gwarantem stabilności finansowej. Jego wizja i pasja są fundamentem naszych działań i pomagają nam nieustannie dążyć do doskonałości.
Zapraszamy Cię do współpracy z Comac Medical – razem możemy kształtować przyszłość medycyny i tworzyć lepszy świat dla nas wszystkich.
medycyna / farmacja / zdrowie
Oferty pracy Comac Medical
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Pielęgniarka/Pielęgniarz – Medicover, Olsztyn
Medicover Sp. z o.o.- Warmińsko-Mazurskie
- umowa o pracę
- praca od zaraz
Polecana PopularnaDodana
Mapa Comac Medical
Siedziba główna
Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)
Offering flexible and viable solutions in clinical development to help life-changing therapies reach patients faster.
Comac Medical is a comprehensive Contract Research Organisation (CRO) and Site Management Organisation (SMO), delivering clinical research services across 39 countries. Our dedicated professionals are committed to overseeing a broad spectrum of services from early to late phases, with a track record of over 1000 studies spanning 27 years. Drawing on extensive experience in therapeutic areas such as oncology, gastroenterology, dermatology, neurology, and more, we provide in-depth knowledge tailored to our clients' programmes and requirements. Comac Medical's Early Phase Unit brings over 18 years of specialised expertise to Phase I and Bioavailability/Bioequivalence (BA/BE) studies in Sofia. With a robust history of conducting more than 300 early-phase trials, our facility is the largest in Southeastern Europe and includes a Bioanalytical lab. Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK & USA Non-EU: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Kazakhstan Services Comac Medical offer full-service solutions for Early Phase Trials (I-IIa and BA/BE), Interventional Trials (II-III and IIIb-IV), Non-Interventional Studies, and Clinical Investigations Studies with a 42-bed Early Phase Dedicated Research Unit. From Protocol to Final Report we offer the following services: • Project Management • Clinical Trial Planning and Design • Global Feasibility • Site Start-Up • Site Augmentation and Support • Patient Recruitment Services • Risk-based Monitoring • Clinical and Medical Monitoring • Regulatory Affairs • Quality Assurance • Biostatistics and Data Analysis • Clinical Data Management • Medical Writing • Safety and Pharmacovigilance • Central and Bioanalytical Laboratory • FSP
- Miasto
- Sofia
- Siedziba główna
- Sofia, Sofia
- Branża
- Produkcja wyrobów farmaceutycznych
- Specjalizacje
- Conduct of Clinical Trials Phase I-IV , BA/BE, Project Management, Site Management, Regulatory Consulting, Medical Writing, Data Management, Biostatistics Services, Clinical Laboratory, Bioanalytical Laboratory, Pharmacovigilance i Observational Research & Registries
Rok założenia
Liczba pracowników
Liczba obserwujących
Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy
Odwiedziny w ostatnich 10 miesiącach
Profil firmy:
Comac Medical
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:
- Warszawa
- Wrocław
- Bielsko-Biała
- Katowice
- Plock
- Białystok
- Gliwice
Data aktualizacji: 01.01.2025
Praca Comac Medical - oferty archiwalne
Project manager
Comac Medical- Olsztyn
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Poznań
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Kielce
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Białystok
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Szczecin
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Opole
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Łódź
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Gdańsk
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Bydgoszcz
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Warszawa
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Lublin
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Gorzów Wielkopolski
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Wrocław
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny
Project manager
Comac Medical- Rzeszów
- umowa o pracę
Zakres obowiązków
What is expected to be done?-
Monitor and manage project milestones and timelines as per the contract obligations;
Determine project-specific oversight metrics, as needed, in agreement with the client;
Perform risk assessment and propose mitigation strategy for the project;
Prepare, oversee, and review documents related to assigned clinical research project;
Provide regular updates of project status to the client and operational team;
Ensure effective and proper communication between all parties involved in the project;
Coordinate and conduct internal kick-off meeting as well as of kick-off meeting with the client;
Organize and supervise of project-specific training;
Oversee and control all logistic procedures related to the study and serve as a signal point of contact for the management and client;
Fully involved in resolving project issues, as well as take part in procedure improvement initiatives;
Supervise of project submission/approval process to EC/RA;
Support quality group in preparation of project-specific audit as needed;
Translation of project-specific documents, when necessary;
Participate in marketing activities, client presentations, and proposal development;
Graduate or postgraduate degree, preferably in the filed of Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry or other relevant;
Minimum 3 years of experience in the leading role in a clinical research filed;
Excellent knowledge of clinical research process;
Excellent knowledge of current ICH/GCP guidelines and country-specific regulations;
Exceptional problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills;
Outstanding communication skills – able to successfully convey massages across both dedicated team and external teams involved in the clinical research;
Ability to keep deadlines for multiple projects in a demanding working environment;
Ability to pay attention to details, absorb and analyse specific project data;
Working knowledge of Word, Excel, and Power Point;
Fluency in English language;
Great team of knowledgeable, high-achieving and experienced professionals;
International and diverse work atmosphere;
Challenging projects in a different therapeutical area as well as in early phases;
Opportunity to enrich professional skills and progress in career development;
Competitive remuneration;
Professional trainings;
Proven track record for quality and delivery;
Established and trusted relationships with KOLs;
Motivated, capable and dedicated team;
Global full-service capabilities;
Nadzór kliniczny
Badania kliniczne
farmacja kliniczna
Zarządzanie danymi klinicznymi
Farmacja przemysłowa
Mikrobiologia kliniczna
Biochemia kliniczna
chemia biologiczna
Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics with ICH GCP elements, certificate of attendance
Farmokologia kliniczna
Rozwoj Kliniczny