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Pika. Sp. z o.o. praca
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Pika. Sp. z o.o.
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Oferty pracy Pika. Sp. z o.o.
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Mapa Pika. Sp. z o.o.
Siedziba główna
Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)
PIKA Sp. z o.o. is the leader on the market of document-based information and know-how management. PIKA offers a broad range of services: from traditional information archiving, the automation of business processes (digitalisation of documents), professional consultancy, auditing of corporate information flow, to the implementation of information flow systems. Through its Operations Centres located in the largest Polish cities, PIKA provides its services throughout Poland, effectively and efficiently reacting to Customer’s needs. The company uses the latest technologies, maintaining a high standard of service and innovativeness of solutions. The intelligent information processing systems used by PIKA (such as Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, or Big Data) facilitate an on-going analysis of data, providing the customer with knowledge indispensable for the taking of the right business decisions. The company’s position is confirmed by its numerous awards, including the Business Gazelles, Business Griffon company, the title of Fair Play Enterprise, the Quality International Medal, or Eagles of Pomerania. PIKA’s customers include companies representing a variety of business areas, including the financial (banks, investment projects, insurance), power, telecommunications, construction, FMCG, and medical services sectors, to mention just a few. PIKA also has customers in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia and plans to expand to further foreign markets.
- Miasto
- Gdańsk
- Siedziba główna
- Gdańsk, Pomeranian
- Branża
- Konsulting w zakresie outsourcingu i offshoringu
- Specjalizacje
- business intelligence, information management, work flow, outsourcing, managing data processes i e-office
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