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A.P. & A. Poland Sp z o.o. praca
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A.P. & A. Poland Sp z o.o.
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Firma A.P. & A. POLAND Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Gdańsku jest częścią międzynarodowej A.P. & A. Group of Companies. Posiadamy filie na całym świecie, w Wielkiej Brytanii, Grecji czy Chinach. Firma specjalizuje się w w przemyśle stoczniowym (naprawy & konserwacje statków, sprzedaż & zakup). Działamy również jako agencja pośrednictwa pracy. A.P.& A. Poland Sp. z o. o. is a member of A.P.&A Ltd Group of Companies with the main office in Gdansk. Our office is located close to the Remontowa Shipyard and city centre. The company has over 20 years experience in the Shipyards industry. We are providing qualified Polish workers mainly for Shipowners based in U.K, Greece according to the Certificate No. 1803 from the Polish Authorities to act as Agent. Since 2013 we are also in possession of Certificate of Compliance No. CREW-11/13 as we are still expanding our services. The standards of seafarer’s recruitment in our company are complying with the requirements of Regulation of the MLC 2006. Moreover, we are supplying other services connected with Ship Repairs and constructions. We are the main Agent of Chartworld Shipping Corporation for polish crew. Some of our clients whose already trust us are: Seven Seas, MSC, Victoria Steamship, CMA GSM, etc. General we are providing: • repair jobs on the vessel for: Engine Fitters, Pipe Fitters, Welders, Painters, Cleaners, • work for crew: Fitters, Carpenters, Bosuns, • work on the platform / project for: Engineers, Gas & Oil Experts, Inspectors. For any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us: A. P. & A. Poland Sp. z o. o. Jaśkowa Dolina 112 80 286 Gdańsk Tel: +48 583 417 988 Fax.: +48 583 454 801 E-mail:
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