AFPRO FILTERS sp. z o.o.

AFPRO FILTERS sp. z o.o. najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
księgowość / ekonomia logistyka / spedycja / transport

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AFPRO Filters

Making the world safer, healthier and more productive

We strive to give our customers the best air quality via our energy efficient PM1 air filters . Since its beginnings in 1979, AFPRO Filters has secured a leading role in the international air filtration market. Our innovative (PM1) air filters according ISO16890 are available around the world through offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Poland, Finland, China and an extensive international dealer network. Besides the innovative and high quality products, AFPRO Filters stands out because of its excellent logistics and high quality service. AFPRO Filters also produces highly specialized customized work that meets the specific wishes of our valued customers. Making the world, safer, healthier & more productive

Siedziba główna
Materiały budowlane
Particulate Matter Filters, HEPA Filters, Panel Filters, Bag Filters, Compact Filters, Heavy Duty Filters, Active Carbon Filters, Cleanroom Filtration, Fine dust filters, Hospital filters, Datacenter filters, Low energy filters i Energy reduction

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AFPRO FILTERS sp. z o.o. poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska