Czy to Twoja firma?

Grid Dynamics Poland praca


Jesteśmy Grid Dynamics, Twoim przewodnikiem w dynamicznym świecie transformacji cyfrowej. Nasza podróż rozpoczęła się w 2006 roku w sercu innowacji – Silicon Valley. Od tego czasu rozszerzyliśmy naszą obecność, otwierając biura w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Meksyku, Wielkiej Brytanii, Holandii, Szwajcarii, Indiach oraz w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej, w tym w pięknym Krakowie.

Jesteśmy dumni, że możemy nazywać się wiodącym dostawcą usług konsultingowych, agile co-creation oraz skalowalnych usług inżynieryjnych i data science. Nasze usługi są skierowane do korporacji z listy Fortune 1000, które, tak jak my, nie boją się zmian i pragną wykorzystać potencjał cyfrowego świata.

Nasza oferta to nie tylko usługi konsultingowe. To przede wszystkim partnerstwo w tworzeniu strategii, które przekształcają wizje w rzeczywistość. Współpracujemy z klientami od wczesnych etapów prototypowania aż do dostarczania nowych platform cyfrowych na dużą skalę. Wszystko to, by pomóc naszym partnerom biznesowym osiągnąć nie tylko krótkoterminowe cele, ale również zbudować trwałą wartość na przyszłość.

Nasza przewaga konkurencyjna tkwi w głębokiej wiedzy o nowoczesnych technologiach i najlepszych globalnych talentach inżynieryjnych. Nasze praktyki lean software development i kultura produktu wysokiej wydajności pozwalają nam nie tylko nadążać za zmieniającym się rynkiem, ale także wyznaczać nowe standardy w branży IT.

W Grid Dynamics cenimy sobie integralność, ciekawość, jasność i dokładność. Te wartości są dla nas kompasem w codziennej pracy i interakcjach z klientami. Wierzymy, że dzięki nim możemy budować trwałe i wartościowe relacje.

Innowacja i jakość to dla nas nie tylko hasła marketingowe. To fundamenty, na których opieramy naszą pracę. Dzięki temu naszym klientom możemy oferować rozwiązania, które nie tylko odpowiadają na aktualne wyzwania, ale także wyprzedzają przyszłe potrzeby.

Dołącz do nas w tej ekscytującej podróży przez świat technologii i innowacji. Razem możemy tworzyć przyszłość.

Grid Dynamics Poland najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
inne it (informatyka) hr / kadry

Oferty pracy Grid Dynamics Poland

Obecnie pracodawca nie ma aktywnych ofert pracy.

Praca alert - powiadomienia

Praca Grid Dynamics Poland

Mapa Grid Dynamics Poland

Siedziba główna

Dynamika publikacji ofert pracy w ostatnich 6 miesiącach

Grid Dynamics Poland poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 5 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
Grid Dynamics Poland
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Gdynia
  2. Warszawa
  3. Kraków
  4. Gdańsk
  5. Bielsko-Biała
  6. Katowice
  7. Belchatów
  8. Dęblin

Data aktualizacji: 01.07.2024

Praca Grid Dynamics Poland - oferty archiwalne

  • Senior Java Engineer

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Kraków
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • If you are excited about all aspects of modern engineering, from writing great code to creating architectures, designing components, interacting with clients, and delivering a working system to production, then you are the kind of person we are looking for. If you enjoy freedom and responsibility, creative thinking, leading and mentoring others, then join our team of world-class developers, QA engineers, DevOps engineers, architects, and managers.

      Senior Java Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Participate in the design and development of high-performance business applications, from requirements analysis to production
      • Continually improve software quality (evaluate and incorporate new libraries, tools, and technologies; code reviews; refactoring; testing; etc.)
      • Analyze and improve application performance
      • Search for simple and robust solutions to complex tasks
      • Work in an Agile methodology environment where innovation, teamwork, and creativity are the keys to success

      Our requirements

      • 5+ years of experience in Software Development
      • Education in Computer Science or similar theoretical knowledge in CS: algorithms and complexity estimation, data structures, operating systems, programming languages
      • Excellent knowledge of Java platform (collections, concurrency, etc). A good understanding of JVM internals is a plus
      • Experience in enterprise application development (Spring)
      • Understanding of distributed architectures and scalability principles
      • Knowledge of Linux/Unix-based operating systems (bash/ssh/ps/grep etc.)
      • Understanding of SDLC and Agile methodologies in particular
      • Hands-on experience with developer daily basis tools such as IDE’s, compilers, debuggers, profilers, version control systems, bug tracking systems, build systems (ANT, Maven2, etc), code coverage and automated testing tools
      • Experience with unit and integration testing (JUnit, TestNG, Mockito, etc.)
      • RDBMS experience (SQL, JDBC). Understanding of ORM frameworks internals is a plus
      • Desire and ability to quickly learn new tools and technologies
      • Ability to proactively identify and solve engineering problems
      • Good interpersonal communication skills, both verbal and written
      • Good English skills (both spoken and written) are a must

      What we offer

      • Opportunity to work on bleeding-edge projects
      • Work with a highly motivated and dedicated team
      • Competitive salary
      • Flexible schedule
      • Benefits package - medical insurance, sports
      • Corporate social events
      • Professional development opportunities
      • Well-equipped office


  • Internships in IT - UI, BSA, Data Scientist

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Internships in IT - UI, BSA, Data Scientist

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: UI, BSA, Data Scientist
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


  • Senior Java Engineer

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • If you are excited about all aspects of modern engineering, from writing great code to creating architectures, designing components, interacting with clients, and delivering a working system to production, then you are the kind of person we are looking for. If you enjoy freedom and responsibility, creative thinking, leading and mentoring others, then join our team of world-class developers, QA engineers, DevOps engineers, architects, and managers.

      Senior Java Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Participate in the design and development of high-performance business applications, from requirements analysis to production
      • Continually improve software quality (evaluate and incorporate new libraries, tools, and technologies; code reviews; refactoring; testing; etc.)
      • Analyze and improve application performance
      • Search for simple and robust solutions to complex tasks
      • Work in an Agile methodology environment where innovation, teamwork, and creativity are the keys to success

      Our requirements

      • 5+ years of experience in Software Development
      • Education in Computer Science or similar theoretical knowledge in CS: algorithms and complexity estimation, data structures, operating systems, programming languages
      • Excellent knowledge of Java platform (collections, concurrency, etc). A good understanding of JVM internals is a plus
      • Experience in enterprise application development (Spring)
      • Understanding of distributed architectures and scalability principles
      • Knowledge of Linux/Unix-based operating systems (bash/ssh/ps/grep etc.)
      • Understanding of SDLC and Agile methodologies in particular
      • Hands-on experience with developer daily basis tools such as IDE’s, compilers, debuggers, profilers, version control systems, bug tracking systems, build systems (ANT, Maven2, etc), code coverage and automated testing tools
      • Experience with unit and integration testing (JUnit, TestNG, Mockito, etc.)
      • RDBMS experience (SQL, JDBC). Understanding of ORM frameworks internals is a plus
      • Desire and ability to quickly learn new tools and technologies
      • Ability to proactively identify and solve engineering problems
      • Good interpersonal communication skills, both verbal and written
      • Good English skills (both spoken and written) are a must

      What we offer

      • Opportunity to work on bleeding-edge projects
      • Work with a highly motivated and dedicated team
      • Competitive salary
      • Flexible schedule
      • Benefits package - medical insurance, sports
      • Corporate social events
      • Professional development opportunities
      • Well-equipped office


  • Senior Java Engineer

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • If you are excited about all aspects of modern engineering, from writing great code to creating architectures, designing components, interacting with clients, and delivering a working system to production, then you are the kind of person we are looking for. If you enjoy freedom and responsibility, creative thinking, leading and mentoring others, then join our team of world-class developers, QA engineers, DevOps engineers, architects, and managers.

      Senior Java Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Participate in the design and development of high-performance business applications, from requirements analysis to production
      • Continually improve software quality (evaluate and incorporate new libraries, tools, and technologies; code reviews; refactoring; testing; etc.)
      • Analyze and improve application performance
      • Search for simple and robust solutions to complex tasks
      • Work in an Agile methodology environment where innovation, teamwork, and creativity are the keys to success

      Our requirements

      • 5+ years of experience in Software Development
      • Education in Computer Science or similar theoretical knowledge in CS: algorithms and complexity estimation, data structures, operating systems, programming languages
      • Excellent knowledge of Java platform (collections, concurrency, etc). A good understanding of JVM internals is a plus
      • Experience in enterprise application development (Spring)
      • Understanding of distributed architectures and scalability principles
      • Knowledge of Linux/Unix-based operating systems (bash/ssh/ps/grep etc.)
      • Understanding of SDLC and Agile methodologies in particular
      • Hands-on experience with developer daily basis tools such as IDE’s, compilers, debuggers, profilers, version control systems, bug tracking systems, build systems (ANT, Maven2, etc), code coverage and automated testing tools
      • Experience with unit and integration testing (JUnit, TestNG, Mockito, etc.)
      • RDBMS experience (SQL, JDBC). Understanding of ORM frameworks internals is a plus
      • Desire and ability to quickly learn new tools and technologies
      • Ability to proactively identify and solve engineering problems
      • Good interpersonal communication skills, both verbal and written
      • Good English skills (both spoken and written) are a must

      What we offer

      • Opportunity to work on bleeding-edge projects
      • Work with a highly motivated and dedicated team
      • Competitive salary
      • Flexible schedule
      • Benefits package - medical insurance, sports
      • Corporate social events
      • Professional development opportunities
      • Well-equipped office


  • Senior Java Engineer

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Wrocław
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • If you are excited about all aspects of modern engineering, from writing great code to creating architectures, designing components, interacting with clients, and delivering a working system to production, then you are the kind of person we are looking for. If you enjoy freedom and responsibility, creative thinking, leading and mentoring others, then join our team of world-class developers, QA engineers, DevOps engineers, architects, and managers.

      Senior Java Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Participate in the design and development of high-performance business applications, from requirements analysis to production
      • Continually improve software quality (evaluate and incorporate new libraries, tools, and technologies; code reviews; refactoring; testing; etc.)
      • Analyze and improve application performance
      • Search for simple and robust solutions to complex tasks
      • Work in an Agile methodology environment where innovation, teamwork, and creativity are the keys to success

      Our requirements

      • 5+ years of experience in Software Development
      • Education in Computer Science or similar theoretical knowledge in CS: algorithms and complexity estimation, data structures, operating systems, programming languages
      • Excellent knowledge of Java platform (collections, concurrency, etc). A good understanding of JVM internals is a plus
      • Experience in enterprise application development (Spring)
      • Understanding of distributed architectures and scalability principles
      • Knowledge of Linux/Unix-based operating systems (bash/ssh/ps/grep etc.)
      • Understanding of SDLC and Agile methodologies in particular
      • Hands-on experience with developer daily basis tools such as IDE’s, compilers, debuggers, profilers, version control systems, bug tracking systems, build systems (ANT, Maven2, etc), code coverage and automated testing tools
      • Experience with unit and integration testing (JUnit, TestNG, Mockito, etc.)
      • RDBMS experience (SQL, JDBC). Understanding of ORM frameworks internals is a plus
      • Desire and ability to quickly learn new tools and technologies
      • Ability to proactively identify and solve engineering problems
      • Good interpersonal communication skills, both verbal and written
      • Good English skills (both spoken and written) are a must

      What we offer

      • Opportunity to work on bleeding-edge projects
      • Work with a highly motivated and dedicated team
      • Competitive salary
      • Flexible schedule
      • Benefits package - medical insurance, sports
      • Corporate social events
      • Professional development opportunities
      • Well-equipped office


  • Internships in IT - UI, BSA, Data Scientist

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Internships in IT - UI, BSA, Data Scientist

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: UI, BSA, Data Scientist
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


  • Internships in IT - QA Automation, QA Manual, Java

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Internships in IT - QA Automation, QA Manual, Java

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: QA Automation, QA Manual, Java
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


  • Internships in IT - QA Automation, QA Manual, Java

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Wrocław
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Internships in IT - QA Automation, QA Manual, Java

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: QA Automation, QA Manual, Java
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


  • Internships in IT - QA Automation, QA Manual, Java

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Internships in IT - QA Automation, QA Manual, Java

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: QA Automation, QA Manual, Java
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


  • HR Business Partner

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Kraków
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • HR Business Partner

      Your responsibilities

      • Close work with delivery and engineering managers (aka employee performance review and professional development, internal processes)
      • Employee communication and HR consulting for the organization
      • Work with the global team in the creation and maintenance of our most recent HR processes and policies, both globally as well as regionally as we update existing processes and launch new initiatives toward standardizing our people-centric focus
      • Risk assessment and retention activities
      • Support in organization and participation in internal events and trainings
      • Cooperation with HR and Admin team

      Our requirements

      • 3+ years experience in the role of HR BP in IT companies
      • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with change in a highly dynamic environment
      • Strong organizational and project management skills
      • Well-developed verbal and written communication skills
      • Service and delivery approach
      • Fluency in the English and Polish languages
      • Positive attitude, personal maturity, readiness to deal with challenges

      What we offer

      • Amazing colleagues to work with, share and learn from
      • High-energy atmosphere of a growing and successful company
      • Competitive salary
      • Flexible working hours
      • Well-equipped office located in the center of the city
      • Private medical insurance for employees and their family members
      • Corporate benefit program


  • Internships in IT - Java Developer, AI Search Developer with Java, QA Automation, QA Manual

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • Java

      Operating system

      • Windows
      • macOS

      About the project

      Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      Development opportunities we offer

      • conferences in Poland
      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • mentoring
      • substantive support from technological leaders
      • support of IT events
      • technical knowledge exchange within the company
      • time for development of your ideas

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: Java Developer, AI Search with Java, QA Automation, QA Manual
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


      • Corporate apartments
      • remote work opportunities
      • flexible working time
      • fruits
      • integration events
      • corporate gym
      • computer available for private use
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • employee referral program

      Recruitment stages

      • HR Interview
      • Technical Interview

      Grid Dynamics Poland

      Grid Dynamics is the engineering services company known for transformative, mission-critical cloud solutions for retail, finance and technology sectors. We have architected some of the busiest e-commerce services on the Internet and have never had an outage during the peak season. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in San Ramon, California with offices throughout the US and Eastern Europe, we focus on big data analytics, scalable omnichannel services, DevOps, and cloud enablement.


  • Internships in IT - Java Developer, AI Search Developer with Java, QA Automation, QA Manual

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Gdańsk
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • Java

      Operating system

      • Windows
      • macOS

      About the project

      Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      Development opportunities we offer

      • conferences in Poland
      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • mentoring
      • substantive support from technological leaders
      • support of IT events
      • technical knowledge exchange within the company
      • time for development of your ideas

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: Java Developer, AI Search with Java, QA Automation, QA Manual
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


      • Corporate apartments
      • remote work opportunities
      • flexible working time
      • fruits
      • integration events
      • corporate gym
      • computer available for private use
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • employee referral program

      Recruitment stages

      • HR Interview
      • Technical Interview

      Grid Dynamics Poland

      Grid Dynamics is the engineering services company known for transformative, mission-critical cloud solutions for retail, finance and technology sectors. We have architected some of the busiest e-commerce services on the Internet and have never had an outage during the peak season. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in San Ramon, California with offices throughout the US and Eastern Europe, we focus on big data analytics, scalable omnichannel services, DevOps, and cloud enablement.


  • Internships in IT - Java Developer, AI Search Developer with Java, QA Automation, QA Manual

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Kraków
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • Java

      Operating system

      • Windows
      • macOS

      About the project

      Are you looking for a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge? Want to join a multinational company with interesting projects and learn from our professionals?

      If you are ready to start your career in IT, just show us your potential, and we will give you the experience!

      Your responsibilities

      • Learning under the supervision of an experienced programmer
      • Spend 30 hours per week for 6 months on developing yourself in your chosen field
      • Working closely with your mentor on daily tasks

      Our requirements

      • Interest in expanding knowledge in the chosen IT area
      • Basic knowledge of programming
      • A communicative level of English
      • Willingness to work with us full-time after the internship

      Development opportunities we offer

      • conferences in Poland
      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • mentoring
      • substantive support from technological leaders
      • support of IT events
      • technical knowledge exchange within the company
      • time for development of your ideas

      What we offer

      • 6 months of training (paid internship) in one of the following fields: Java Developer, AI Search with Java, QA Automation, QA Manual
      • 30h per week of hands-on technical experience (flexible schedule)
      • Learning under the supervision of mentors
      • Experience in commercial projects
      • Working with leaders in their industries


      • Corporate apartments
      • remote work opportunities
      • flexible working time
      • fruits
      • integration events
      • corporate gym
      • computer available for private use
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • employee referral program

      Recruitment stages

      • HR Interview
      • Technical Interview

      Grid Dynamics Poland

      Grid Dynamics is the engineering services company known for transformative, mission-critical cloud solutions for retail, finance and technology sectors. We have architected some of the busiest e-commerce services on the Internet and have never had an outage during the peak season. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in San Ramon, California with offices throughout the US and Eastern Europe, we focus on big data analytics, scalable omnichannel services, DevOps, and cloud enablement.


  • Junior Training Specialist

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Wrocław
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Your responsibilities

      • Maintain training records (e.g. trainee lists, schedules, attendance lists)
      • Manage online and ILC Trainings through internal LMS (Learning Management System)
      • Assist Talent Development Managers with training organization and delivery
      • Participate in L&D activities and meetings
      • Update existing and create new E-Learning Materials within LMS
      • Act as point of contact for employees training requests
      • Create and submit reports on training activities and results
      • Understand and maintain learning management software for eLearning
      • Ensure eLearning courses are categorized correctly in the LMS Course Catalog and reviewed on a periodic basis
      • Follows the training request process
      • Deliver soft skills trainings
      • Create and develop basic training materials (handouts, supporting presentation, etc. ) and update it in LMS
      • Update the Talent Development newsletter and create internal communications related to learning and development
      • Regularly communicates training schedules through internal communication channels such as Slack, email, etc.
      • Design training materials and presentations
      • Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation

      Our requirements

      • Fluency in the English language
      • At least 6 months experience in L&D department
      • At least 6 months experience in delivery trainings
      • Support flexible work hours
      • Proficiency in Microsoft office
      • Outstanding oral and written communication skills to converse effectively
      • Positive attitude, teamplayer, personal maturity, readiness to deal with challenges
      • Previous experience in a global IT industry or multinational company will be considered as an advantage
      • Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Management or in a similar field will be considered as an advantage

      What we offer

      • Amazing colleagues to work with, share and learn from
      • High-energy atmosphere of a growing and successful company
      • Competitive salary
      • Flexible working hours
      • Well-equipped office located in the center of the city
      • Private medical insurance for employees and their family members
      • Corporate benefit program


      • private medical care
      • remote work opportunities
      • flexible working time
      • fruits
      • integration events
      • corporate gym
      • computer available for private use
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • employee referral program

      Recruitment stages

      • HR Interview
      • Interview with the manager

      Grid Dynamics Poland

      Grid Dynamics is the engineering services company known for transformative, mission-critical cloud solutions for retail, finance and technology sectors. We have architected some of the busiest e-commerce services on the Internet and have never had an outage during the peak season. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in San Ramon, California with offices throughout the US and Eastern Europe, we focus on big data analytics, scalable omnichannel services, DevOps, and cloud enablement.


  • Junior Training Specialist

    Grid Dynamics Poland
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Your responsibilities

      • Maintain training records (e.g. trainee lists, schedules, attendance lists)
      • Manage online and ILC Trainings through internal LMS (Learning Management System)
      • Assist Talent Development Managers with training organization and delivery
      • Participate in L&D activities and meetings
      • Update existing and create new E-Learning Materials within LMS
      • Act as point of contact for employees training requests
      • Create and submit reports on training activities and results
      • Understand and maintain learning management software for eLearning
      • Ensure eLearning courses are categorized correctly in the LMS Course Catalog and reviewed on a periodic basis
      • Follows the training request process
      • Deliver soft skills trainings
      • Create and develop basic training materials (handouts, supporting presentation, etc. ) and update it in LMS
      • Update the Talent Development newsletter and create internal communications related to learning and development
      • Regularly communicates training schedules through internal communication channels such as Slack, email, etc.
      • Design training materials and presentations
      • Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation

      Our requirements

      • Fluency in the English language
      • At least 6 months experience in L&D department
      • At least 6 months experience in delivery trainings
      • Support flexible work hours
      • Proficiency in Microsoft office
      • Outstanding oral and written communication skills to converse effectively
      • Positive attitude, teamplayer, personal maturity, readiness to deal with challenges
      • Previous experience in a global IT industry or multinational company will be considered as an advantage
      • Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Management or in a similar field will be considered as an advantage

      What we offer

      • Amazing colleagues to work with, share and learn from
      • High-energy atmosphere of a growing and successful company
      • Competitive salary
      • Flexible working hours
      • Well-equipped office located in the center of the city
      • Private medical insurance for employees and their family members
      • Corporate benefit program


      • private medical care
      • remote work opportunities
      • flexible working time
      • fruits
      • integration events
      • corporate gym
      • computer available for private use
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • employee referral program

      Recruitment stages

      • HR Interview
      • Interview with the manager

      Grid Dynamics Poland

      Grid Dynamics is the engineering services company known for transformative, mission-critical cloud solutions for retail, finance and technology sectors. We have architected some of the busiest e-commerce services on the Internet and have never had an outage during the peak season. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in San Ramon, California with offices throughout the US and Eastern Europe, we focus on big data analytics, scalable omnichannel services, DevOps, and cloud enablement.


Pracodawcy w Krakowie