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Czy to Twoja firma?
KAMBU sp. z o.o. praca
Czy to Twoja firma?
Oferty pracy KAMBU SP Z O O
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Siedziba główna
Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)
Software and web development, Android and iOS mobile apps, UI/UX design, QA and support.
We make IT work for your business through custom software development and complex system integration. We cooperate with various businesses ranging from medical to automotive, public sector to non-profit. Our highest priority in each collaboration is to provide our clients with the appropriate tools that will help them manage their organisations, ensure their essential development and enable their further growth and expansion.
- Siedziba główna
- Cracow
- Branża
- Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne
- Specjalizacje
- Custom Software Development, Web Development, Mobile App Development, UX/UI Design, Web Design, IT Staff Augmentation, E-Commerce Development, Java, React i DevOps
Rok założenia
Liczba pracowników
Liczba obserwujących