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Bossard Poland praca
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Mapa Bossard Poland
Siedziba główna
Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)
We bring Proven Productivity and sustainability to every assembly operation in the world!
The Bossard Group, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, is among the global market leaders in fastening technology. With more than 1 million fastening elements in our product portfolio as well as our related technical consulting and logistics services, we enable our customers to increase their productivity and manufacturing efficiency sustainably. Bossard is a global network of companies with currently about 2,900 employees in 35 countries across Europe, the Americas, and the Asia-Pacific region. Our drive for excellence and innovation has led to steady growth and success for more than 190 years now. Whether you are in need of screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, or something else, we have the right fastener for every application. In addition, our engineers help you find the perfect solution to optimize your products’ fastener design (Assembly Technology Expert Services). We also offer intelligent solutions for your inventory and c-parts management, leveraging the power of Industry 4.0 and IOT (Smart Factory Logistics). Our Smart Factory Assembly service helps increase process reliability as well as efficiency in your assembly – for the optimal output in your manufacturing. Learn more about Bossard at
- Siedziba główna
- Zug
- Branża
- Handel hurtowy
- Specjalizacje
- fasteners, screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, c-parts management, Product Solutions, Smart Factory Logistics, Assembly Technology Expert, Smart Factory Assembly, Bossard Inventory Management (BIM), Realtime Manufacturing Services, engineering, logistics, industry 4.0, smart solutions, smart factory, technical seminars, test laboratory i ecosyn
Rok założenia
Liczba pracowników
1 001-5 000
Liczba obserwujących