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XTM International Limited praca

Od ponad dwóch dekad jesteśmy dumni z tego, że możemy nazywać się XTM International Limited i działać z Poznania, serca Polski, na rzecz globalnej społeczności tłumaczeniowej. Nasza podróż rozpoczęła się w 2002 roku, a od tego czasu nieustannie rozwijamy naszą flagową ofertę - XTM Cloud. To innowacyjny system zarządzania tłumaczeniami, który wspiera przedsiębiorstwa w skutecznym dotarciu na międzynarodowe rynki. Nasza misja jest jasna: chcemy ułatwić naszym klientom zarządzanie wszystkimi aspektami procesu lokalizacji, aby mogli skupić się na tym, co najważniejsze - wzroście swojego biznesu.

W XTM International Limited zdajemy sobie sprawę, że świat jest wielojęzyczny i dynamiczny. Dlatego nasze rozwiązanie, XTM Cloud, jest nie tylko szybkie i oszczędne, ale również skalowalne i oparte na otwartych standardach branży. Wykorzystujemy najnowocześniejszą technologię, w tym sztuczną inteligencję, aby nasze usługi były na najwyższym poziomie. Nasz zespół Xperts to eksperci, którzy zawsze służą pomocą, a nasz zespół Customer Success jest gotowy wspierać na każdym etapie współpracy.

Jesteśmy dumni z naszej międzynarodowej obecności i z tego, że nasze rozwiązania są wykorzystywane przez klientów na całym świecie. Po przejęciu przez fundusz K1, nasze horyzonty jeszcze bardziej się poszerzyły, a nasza stabilność finansowa i zarządcza została wzmocniona, co pozwala nam patrzeć w przyszłość z optymizmem.

W XTM International Limited zawsze stawiamy na rozwój i innowacje, ale nigdy nie zapominamy o naszym głównym celu - pomaganiu firmom w osiąganiu sukcesów na globalnym rynku. Zapraszamy do współpracy i dołączenia do grona zadowolonych klientów, którzy już teraz czerpią korzyści z naszych zaawansowanych rozwiązań tłumaczeniowych. Razem możemy więcej!

XTM International Limited najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
inne it (informatyka) zarządzanie / dyrekcja

Oferty pracy XTM International Limited

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Praca XTM International Limited

Mapa XTM International Limited

Siedziba główna

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XTM International

XTM provides the world's leading Translation Platform, comprising of XTM Cloud, XTRF, and Rigi

XTM International empowers enterprises to expand into global markets faster by streamlining and fully automating localization processes through its suite of solutions: XTM Cloud (translation management system), XTRF (business and vendor management solution), and Rigi (software localization solution). The combination of these tools provides a fully integrated and complete translation platform that helps companies reach their global customers more quickly and effectively while boosting their bottom line. Powered by cutting-edge AI technology and supporting over 220 languages and more than 40 out-of-the-box integrations, XTM’s translation platform delivers the future of localization to more than 25,000 unique active users worldwide. With XTM International, global organizations like Volvo, Firestone, and FARFETCH have reduced localization costs by up to 60%, shortened their time-to-market by up to 80%, and increased volume output by 250% without deploying additional resources. For further information about XTM please contact our sales team ( - 0044 1753 480 479) or visit our website -

Siedziba główna
Tworzenie oprogramowania
Web based translation tools, XML translation, Open Standards, Translation technology, Cloud-based CAT tools, Translation Management Systems, Workflow Technology, Integration, Real-time Sharing of Language Assets, Terminology Managment Systems, localization, software translation, translation business management, translation memory i translation vendor management

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XTM International Limited poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 11 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
XTM International Limited
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Rybnik

Data aktualizacji: 01.09.2024

Praca XTM International Limited - oferty archiwalne

  • IT Security Risk and Compliance Consultant

    XTM International Limited
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • IT Security Risk and Compliance Consultant

      Your responsibilities

      • Improving existing GRC workflows and establish enterprise wide GRC framework
      • Participating in the pre-sales and post-sales RFP process
      • Collaborating with other departments to ensure security standards are kept
      • Leading internal GRC audits
      • Improving and driving Vulnerability Management Program

      Our requirements

      • Experience in the GRC field (GRCP certification)
      • 2+ years in IT security with a related role
      • Hands on experience with ISO27001
      • Excellent written and oral communication skills (English)
      • Ability to work in cross functional teams and audits
      • Technical skills related to software development and deployment on the level to understand the security risks
      • 5+ years IT Sec Ops
      • ISO27701 / GDPR experience (Technical)
      • Hands on experience with SIG
      • NIST Cyber Security Framework familiarity

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / Contract of employment
      • Remote work (in Poland) or hybrid/onsite in Poznań
      • Access to e-learning platform
      • Long-term cooperation
      • Cafeteria-style benefits plan (including Medicover private healthcare and Multisport card) English lessons with native speakers


  • GRC Analyst

    XTM International Limited
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use

      Operating system

      • Windows

      Your responsibilities

      • Improving existing GRC workflows and establish enterprise wide GRC framework
      • Participating in the pre-sales and post-sales RFP process
      • Collaborating with other departments to ensure security standards are kept
      • Leading internal GRC audits
      • Improving and driving Vulnerability Management Program

      Our requirements

      • Experience in the GRC field (GRCP certification)
      • 2+ years in IT security with a related role
      • Hands on experience with ISO27001
      • Excellent written and oral communication skills (English)
      • Ability to work in cross functional teams and audits
      • Technical skills related to software development and deployment on the level to understand the security risks


      • 5+ years IT Sec Ops
      • ISO27701 / GDPR experience (Technical)
      • Hands on experience with SIG
      • NIST Cyber Security Framework familiarity

      This is how we organize our work

      This is how we work

      • in house

      Development opportunities we offer

      • industry-specific e-learning platforms

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / Contract of employment
      • Remote work (in Poland) or hybrid/onsite in Poznań
      • Access to e-learning platform
      • Long-term cooperation
      • Cafeteria-style benefits plan (including Medicover private healthcare and Multisport card), English lessons with native speakers


      • sharing the costs of sports activities
      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • leisure zone
      • extra social benefits
      • christmas gifts
      • employee referral program

      XTM International Limited

      Since 2002, XTM develops and sells XTM Cloud, an enterprise SaaS translation management system with an integrated computer-aided translation tool. Their mission is to help enterprises reach global markets more efficiently by creating, delivering, and supporting an industry-leading platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process.

      Join us and discover an environment in which you’ll be supported to learn and grow.

      GRC Analyst


  • Senior Full-Stack Developer

    XTM International Limited
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologie, których używamy


      • .NET
      • Java
      • Node.js.
      • PHP
      • Vue.js
      • React
      • AWS
      • SQL
      • NoSQL
      • Git

      Mile widziane

      • PHP

      System operacyjny

      • Windows

      O projekcie

      Poszukujemy doświadczonego Senior Full-Stack Developera, który będzie pracować z technologiami takimi jak Java, .NET, Node.js, Vue, React i AWS. Zapraszamy do aplikowania jeśli chcesz opracowywać i utrzymywać wysokiej jakości rozwiązania programistyczne przy współpracy z zespołem utalentowanych profesjonalistów w szybko rozwijającym się środowisku.

      Twój zakres obowiązków

      • Projektowanie, opracowywanie i utrzymywanie skalowalnych, interaktywnych aplikacji internetowych.
      • Wdrażanie rozwiązań back-endowych i metod API.
      • Opracowywanie front-endu interfejsu użytkownika.
      • Efektywne wykorzystanie usług AWS do wdrażania, skalowania i zarządzania aplikacjami.
      • W razie potrzeby implementacja architektury bezserwerowej.
      • Ścisła współpraca z kierownikami projektów, projektantami UX i innymi programistami.
      • Przywództwo i mentoring dla młodszych programistów w zakresie najlepszych praktyk i nowych technologii.
      • Uczestnictwo w przeglądach kodu i zapewnienie dostarczania kodu najwyższej jakości.
      • Wdrażanie nowoczesnych praktyk programistycznych w celu poprawy wydajności aplikacji i komfortu użytkowania.
      • Diagnozowanie i usuwanie błędów oraz problemów z wydajnością.
      • Projektowanie rozwiązań technicznych spełniających potrzeby klientów.
      • Dostarczanie wydajnych rozwiązań złożonych wyzwań technicznych.

      Nasze wymagania

      • Wykształcenie kierunkowe: informatyka, inżynieria komputerowa albo pokrewne.
      • Doświadczenie: co najmniej 3 lata doświadczenia na stanowisku Full-stack Developera.
      • Biegłość w .NET, Java i Node.js. (znajomość PHP mile widziana).
      • Duże doświadczenie z platformami front-endowymi, takimi jak Vue i React.
      • Dobre zrozumienie usług chmurowych AWS.
      • Doświadczenie z bazami danych, zarówno SQL, jak i NoSQL.
      • Znajomość Git, CI/CD i metodologii Agile.
      • Dobrze rozwinięte umiejętności rozwiązywania problemów, silne umiejętności komunikacyjne, zdolność do pracy w zespole i cechy przywódcze.
      • Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego (co najmniej B2) w mowie i piśmie.
      • Biegła znajomość języka polskiego.

      Tak organizujemy naszą pracę

      Tak pracujemy

      • wewnątrz organizacji
      • agile

      Takie dajemy możliwości rozwoju

      • wymiana wiedzy technicznej w firmie

      To oferujemy

      • Kontrakt B2B (20/26 dni płatnej przerwy w świadczeniu usług), umowa o pracę lub umowa zlecenie (studenci)
      • Praca zdalna (Polska) lub hybrydowa (nasze wygodne biuro znajduje się w Poznaniu)
      • Dostęp do platform e-learningowych
      • Indywidualne plany rozwoju wewnątrz firmy
      • Platforma benefitowa


      • dofinansowanie zajęć sportowych
      • prywatna opieka medyczna
      • dofinansowanie nauki języków
      • dofinansowanie szkoleń i kursów
      • możliwość pracy zdalnej
      • spotkania integracyjne
      • opieka stomatologiczna
      • firmowa drużyna sportowa
      • firmowa biblioteka
      • brak dress code’u
      • gry wideo w pracy
      • kawa / herbata
      • parking dla pracowników
      • strefa relaksu
      • paczki świąteczne
      • program rekomendacji pracowników

      XTM International Limited

      XTM International was founded in 2002 as it perceived a market opportunity for enterprise technology and the fast-evolving demands of globalization. XTM Cloud became the company’s core product, the only translation management system that empowers enterprises to go global at scale by harnessing the most advanced linguistic technology, intelligent automation, and AI.


  • Engineering Manager

    XTM International Limited
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Your responsibilities

      • Help to shape Engineering function ensuring we follow a path of constant improvement in everything we do.
      • Support, coach and develop the members of your team(s) via feedback, 1-1s and relationship building.
      • Work with our HR department to recruit the most suitable candidates to ensure the high-performing team to meet our objectives.
      • Work closely with senior management and engineers to ensure good engineering practices are followed and implemented across the Engineering team and the Engineering Roadmap is suitable to reach our goals.
      • Identify any technical or operational challenges and improve upon our onboarding, documentation, SDLC, and developer experience to make Engineering at XTM not only a great place to work but also highly effective.
      • Facilitate the career progression of individuals through pathways, objectives, and goals.
      • Work to communicate company objectives and Engineering goals to individuals to ensure close alignment, allowing for the autonomy and agency of the individuals you lead.
      • Foster a positive and inclusive team culture, promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing
      • Generally a people management heavy position however some expectations to be hands-on when needed

      Our requirements

      • 2+ years of experience building and leading engineering teams
      • Solid understanding of software engineering fundamentals and software delivery process
      • Experience in hiring, developing diverse teams, creating an inclusive environment and retaining top talent
      • Experience with effectively creating alignments with multiple teams and operating well in ambiguity
      • Experience in working closely with the product team and stakeholders
      • Excellent communication and collaboration skills
      • Strong hands-on software engineering background with Java, cloud platforms like AWS, microservice architecture
      • Strong skills in English, both spoken and written


      • Fluency in Polish


      • sharing the costs of sports activities
      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • dental care
      • corporate sports team
      • corporate library
      • video games at work
      • sharing the costs of tickets to the movies, theater
      • christmas gifts

      About the role

      The role will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of their teams and ensure that the overall delivery capability is utilised effectively to ensure alignment with program and strategic goals. That means hiring, coaching, mentoring, managing engineers and creating a high-performance team where team members are empowered to do their best work.

      You will be reporting to the Director of Engineering and managing engineers from several Scrum teams. You will need to be able to influence other members of the team, as well as colleagues, stakeholders, and key executives, through your use of data and logic. Although you won't need to write code every day, we are looking for someone with an extensive technical background and a good understanding of modern microservice architecture that can be hands-on when needed.

      XTM International Limited

      XTM International was founded in 2002 as it perceived a market opportunity for enterprise technology and the fast-evolving demands of globalization. XTM Cloud became the company’s core product, the only translation management system that empowers enterprises to go global at scale by harnessing the most advanced linguistic technology, intelligent automation, and AI.


  • Privacy Analyst

    XTM International Limited
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Your responsibilities

      • Serve as the primary point of contact for data protection queries
      • Review, analyse, and complete privacy assessments and privacy-related inquiries, working with both internal and external clients and vendors
      • Research and monitor changes in laws, regulations, trends, discussions, and best business practices related to data protection and privacy
      • Promoting a culture of privacy by design by advocating for the development, review and/or revision of policies, guidelines, projects and/or programs relating to privacy and data protection
      • Advise internal staff based on privacy policies, procedures, and strategies
      • Advise on privacy issues related to new products/services
      • Participates in security reviews relating to privacy and data protection matters
      • Assist in a security awareness training preparations in terms of promoting privacy aspects

      Our requirements

      • Legal and privacy experience with a minimum of 3+ years of experience working on data privacy matters
      • Strong knowledge of data protection legislation, particularly GDPR
      • Relevant privacy certification (CIPP/E, CIPM)
      • Excellent command of English (B2+/C1)
      • Collaborative approach that is proactive, solution oriented and forward thinking
      • A self-starter, with excellent organisational and communication skills
      • Analytical and critical thinking skills
      • Attention to detail


      • Experience in the IT industry and practical knowledge of cyber security practices (e.g.SOC reports and ISO 27001 compliance)

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / Contract of employment
      • Access to e-learning platform
      • Long-term cooperation
      • You can choose to work remotely with occasional visits, at the office, or in a hybrid model
      • Cafeteria-style benefits plan (including Medicover private healthcare and Multisport card), English lessons with native speakers


      • sharing the costs of sports activities
      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • dental care
      • corporate sports team
      • corporate library
      • video games at work
      • leisure zone
      • sharing the costs of tickets to the movies, theater

      XTM International Limited

      Since 2002, XTM develops and sells XTM Cloud, an enterprise SaaS translation management system with an integrated computer-aided translation tool. Their mission is to help enterprises reach global markets more efficiently by creating, delivering, and supporting an industry-leading platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process.


  • 2nd Line Support Engineer

    XTM International Limited
    • Białystok
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • REST
      • SOAP
      • Linux
      • SQL

      About the project

      XTM International is looking for a 2nd Line Support Engineer focused on customers’ needs and able to provide highly professional solutions to problems.

      Your responsibilities

      • Provide second level technical support for corporate users
      • Analysis of application issues
      • Gathering data and handing them over for further technical analysis
      • Interact with other IT departments in order to avoid or solve incidents and services requests
      • Actively participate in knowledge sharing with colleagues for the creation and implementation of best practice of users' support

      Our requirements

      • Previous experience in Customer Service or in IT environment
      • Knowledge of API's (REST or SOAP)
      • Strong computer skills
      • Technical mindset
      • Analytical thinking
      • High interpersonal and communication skills
      • Advanced English (min. B2) in writing and speaking is a must
      • Good knowledge of Linux command lines and SQL queries
      • Quick learner

      Development opportunities we offer

      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • substantive support from technological leaders

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / contract of employment / mandate contract (for students)
      • Training program
      • Individual development plans
      • You can choose to work remotely, on-site, or in a hybrid model


      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • dental care
      • corporate sports team
      • corporate library
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • christmas gifts
      • employee referral program

      Work schedule

      Work mainly during standard office hours (starting at 8:00/9:00 AM) with:

      1 week of remote afternoon shifts every two months (starting at 4 PM)

      1 week of extra paid remote night shifts every two months

      1 weekend extra paid on-call duty every two months

      XTM International Limited

      Since 2002, XTM develops and sells XTM Cloud, an enterprise SaaS translation management system with an integrated computer aided translation tool. Their mission is to help enterprises reach global markets more efficiently by creating, delivering and supporting an industry leading platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process.


  • 2nd Line Support Engineer

    XTM International Limited
    • Łódź
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • REST
      • SOAP
      • Linux
      • SQL

      About the project

      XTM International is looking for a 2nd Line Support Engineer focused on customers’ needs and able to provide highly professional solutions to problems.

      Your responsibilities

      • Provide second level technical support for corporate users
      • Analysis of application issues
      • Gathering data and handing them over for further technical analysis
      • Interact with other IT departments in order to avoid or solve incidents and services requests
      • Actively participate in knowledge sharing with colleagues for the creation and implementation of best practice of users' support

      Our requirements

      • Previous experience in Customer Service or in IT environment
      • Knowledge of API's (REST or SOAP)
      • Strong computer skills
      • Technical mindset
      • Analytical thinking
      • High interpersonal and communication skills
      • Advanced English (min. B2) in writing and speaking is a must
      • Good knowledge of Linux command lines and SQL queries
      • Quick learner

      Development opportunities we offer

      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • substantive support from technological leaders

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / contract of employment / mandate contract (for students)
      • Training program
      • Individual development plans
      • You can choose to work remotely, on-site, or in a hybrid model


      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • dental care
      • corporate sports team
      • corporate library
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • christmas gifts
      • employee referral program

      Work schedule

      Work mainly during standard office hours (starting at 8:00/9:00 AM) with:

      1 week of remote afternoon shifts every two months (starting at 4 PM)

      1 week of extra paid remote night shifts every two months

      1 weekend extra paid on-call duty every two months

      XTM International Limited

      Since 2002, XTM develops and sells XTM Cloud, an enterprise SaaS translation management system with an integrated computer aided translation tool. Their mission is to help enterprises reach global markets more efficiently by creating, delivering and supporting an industry leading platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process.


  • 2nd Line Support Engineer

    XTM International Limited
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • REST
      • SOAP
      • Linux
      • SQL

      About the project

      XTM International is looking for a 2nd Line Support Engineer focused on customers’ needs and able to provide highly professional solutions to problems.

      Your responsibilities

      • Provide second level technical support for corporate users
      • Analysis of application issues
      • Gathering data and handing them over for further technical analysis
      • Interact with other IT departments in order to avoid or solve incidents and services requests
      • Actively participate in knowledge sharing with colleagues for the creation and implementation of best practice of users' support

      Our requirements

      • Previous experience in Customer Service or in IT environment
      • Knowledge of API's (REST or SOAP)
      • Strong computer skills
      • Technical mindset
      • Analytical thinking
      • High interpersonal and communication skills
      • Advanced English (min. B2) in writing and speaking is a must
      • Good knowledge of Linux command lines and SQL queries
      • Quick learner

      Development opportunities we offer

      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • substantive support from technological leaders

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / contract of employment / mandate contract (for students)
      • Training program
      • Individual development plans
      • You can choose to work remotely, on-site, or in a hybrid model


      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • dental care
      • corporate sports team
      • corporate library
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • christmas gifts
      • employee referral program

      Work schedule

      Work mainly during standard office hours (starting at 8:00/9:00 AM) with:

      1 week of remote afternoon shifts every two months (starting at 4 PM)

      1 week of extra paid remote night shifts every two months

      1 weekend extra paid on-call duty every two months

      XTM International Limited

      Since 2002, XTM develops and sells XTM Cloud, an enterprise SaaS translation management system with an integrated computer aided translation tool. Their mission is to help enterprises reach global markets more efficiently by creating, delivering and supporting an industry leading platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process.


  • 2nd Line Support Engineer

    XTM International Limited
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • REST
      • SOAP
      • Linux
      • SQL

      About the project

      XTM International is looking for a 2nd Line Support Engineer focused on customers’ needs and able to provide highly professional solutions to problems.

      Your responsibilities

      • Provide second level technical support for corporate users
      • Analysis of application issues
      • Gathering data and handing them over for further technical analysis
      • Interact with other IT departments in order to avoid or solve incidents and services requests
      • Actively participate in knowledge sharing with colleagues for the creation and implementation of best practice of users' support

      Our requirements

      • Previous experience in Customer Service or in IT environment
      • Knowledge of API's (REST or SOAP)
      • Strong computer skills
      • Technical mindset
      • Analytical thinking
      • High interpersonal and communication skills
      • Advanced English (min. B2) in writing and speaking is a must
      • Good knowledge of Linux command lines and SQL queries
      • Quick learner

      Development opportunities we offer

      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • substantive support from technological leaders

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / contract of employment / mandate contract (for students)
      • Training program
      • Individual development plans
      • You can choose to work remotely, on-site, or in a hybrid model


      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • dental care
      • corporate sports team
      • corporate library
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • christmas gifts
      • employee referral program

      Work schedule

      Work mainly during standard office hours (starting at 8:00/9:00 AM) with:

      1 week of remote afternoon shifts every two months (starting at 4 PM)

      1 week of extra paid remote night shifts every two months

      1 weekend extra paid on-call duty every two months

      XTM International Limited

      Since 2002, XTM develops and sells XTM Cloud, an enterprise SaaS translation management system with an integrated computer aided translation tool. Their mission is to help enterprises reach global markets more efficiently by creating, delivering and supporting an industry leading platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process.


  • 2nd Line Support Engineer

    XTM International Limited
    • Rzeszów
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use


      • REST
      • SOAP
      • Linux
      • SQL

      About the project

      XTM International is looking for a 2nd Line Support Engineer focused on customers’ needs and able to provide highly professional solutions to problems.

      Your responsibilities

      • Provide second level technical support for corporate users
      • Analysis of application issues
      • Gathering data and handing them over for further technical analysis
      • Interact with other IT departments in order to avoid or solve incidents and services requests
      • Actively participate in knowledge sharing with colleagues for the creation and implementation of best practice of users' support

      Our requirements

      • Previous experience in Customer Service or in IT environment
      • Knowledge of API's (REST or SOAP)
      • Strong computer skills
      • Technical mindset
      • Analytical thinking
      • High interpersonal and communication skills
      • Advanced English (min. B2) in writing and speaking is a must
      • Good knowledge of Linux command lines and SQL queries
      • Quick learner

      Development opportunities we offer

      • industry-specific e-learning platforms
      • intracompany training
      • substantive support from technological leaders

      What we offer

      • B2B contract (with 20/26 paid days off) / contract of employment / mandate contract (for students)
      • Training program
      • Individual development plans
      • You can choose to work remotely, on-site, or in a hybrid model


      • private medical care
      • sharing the costs of foreign language classes
      • sharing the costs of professional training & courses
      • remote work opportunities
      • integration events
      • dental care
      • corporate sports team
      • corporate library
      • no dress code
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • leisure zone
      • christmas gifts
      • employee referral program

      Work schedule

      Work mainly during standard office hours (starting at 8:00/9:00 AM) with:

      1 week of remote afternoon shifts every two months (starting at 4 PM)

      1 week of extra paid remote night shifts every two months

      1 weekend extra paid on-call duty every two months

      XTM International Limited

      Since 2002, XTM develops and sells XTM Cloud, an enterprise SaaS translation management system with an integrated computer aided translation tool. Their mission is to help enterprises reach global markets more efficiently by creating, delivering and supporting an industry leading platform to automate and manage all aspects of the localization process.
