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Testronic sp. z o.o. praca


Witamy w świecie Testronic, gdzie pasja do doskonałości i innowacji prowadzi nas przez każdy projekt, który podejmujemy. Nasza historia rozpoczęła się ponad dwie dekady temu w 1998 roku w Londynie. Od tamtej pory, z siedzibą główną w Warszawie, Polska, rozwijamy się nieustannie, by stać się liderem w branży QA i testowania dla gier, VR oraz filmów i telewizji. Jesteśmy dumni z naszej międzynarodowej obecności, z obiektami w USA, Wielkiej Brytanii, Serbii, Rumunii i Polsce, co pozwala nam na globalne partnerowanie z klientami. Nasze usługi, w tym zapewnianie jakości, lokalizacja, zgodność i certyfikacja oraz wsparcie klienta, są wyrazem naszej nieustannej chęci do innowacji. W Testronic nie tylko świadczymy usługi - stale rozwijamy nowe podejścia, aby zapewnić naszym klientom najlepsze możliwe doświadczenia. Z ponad 550 stacjami roboczymi, nasz zespół to grupa wybitnych specjalistów, którzy dzielą się naszymi wartościami: integralnością, innowacyjnością i wydajnością. Te wartości są dla nas nie tylko słowami - są one fundamentem, na którym budujemy nasze relacje z klientami i jakość naszych usług. Nasza renoma opiera się na licznych tytułach AAA, które pomogliśmy wprowadzić na rynek, i na naszym unikalnym podejściu do outsourcingu. Jesteśmy dumni, że możemy być partnerem, który wspiera deweloperów gier i wydawców na całym świecie, dostarczając nagradzane usługi, które przekładają się na sukces naszych klientów. W Testronic, każda gra, każdy film, każde doświadczenie VR jest traktowane z najwyższą starannością. Rozumiemy, że za każdym produktem stoją ludzie i ich pasje, dlatego każdy projekt jest dla nas świętością. Dążymy do doskonałości, bo wiemy, że to właśnie w szczegółach kryje się magia niezapomnianych doświadczeń. Zapraszamy do świata Testronic, gdzie jakość i innowacja idą w parze z pasją do tworzenia niezapomnianych wrażeń. Jesteśmy tutaj, by wspierać i przekształcać wizje naszych klientów w rzeczywistość, która zachwyca użytkowników na całym świecie.

Testronic Sp. z o.o. najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
it (informatyka) hr / kadry administracja biurowa / praca biurowa księgowość / ekonomia edukacja / badania naukowe / szkolenia / tłumaczenia

Oferty pracy Testronic Sp. z o.o.

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Praca Testronic Sp. z o.o.

Mapa Testronic Sp. z o.o.

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Dynamika publikacji ofert pracy w ostatnich 6 miesiącach

Testronic Sp. z o.o. poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

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Odwiedziny w ostatnich 4 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
Testronic Sp. z o.o.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Bielsko-Biała
  2. Warszawa
  3. Poznań
  4. Bydgoszcz

Data aktualizacji: 01.07.2024

Praca Testronic Sp. z o.o. - oferty archiwalne

  • HR Specjalista

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • HR Specjalista

      Twój zakres obowiązków

      • Przygotowywanie umów, aneksów, świadectw pracy oraz innych dokumentów związanych z zatrudnieniem czy wynagrodzeniem.
      • Prowadzenie akt osobowych pracowników.
      • Wprowadzaniu danych pracowników do systemu HR i płacowego.
      • Kalkulacja czasu pracy.
      • Sprawdzanie ważności badań lekarskich i szkoleń z zakresu bhp.
      • Współpraca z działem finansów.
      • Przygotowywanie i wprowadzanie danych do listy płac.

      Nasze wymagania

      • Minimum 2 lata doświadczenia w HR na podobnym stanowisku.
      • Wykształcanie wyższe w dziedzinie HR lub pokrewnej.
      • Znajomość polskiego prawa pracy i przepisów dotyczących ubezpieczeń społecznych.
      • Znajomość procedur związanych z zatrudnianiem cudzoziemców.
      • Biegła znajomość języka polskiego oraz bardzo dobra języka angielskiego.
      • Dobra znajomość pakietu MS Office (MS Excel, MS Word).
      • Umiejętności organizacyjne, samodzielność w działaniu, dbałość o szczegóły.

      To oferujemy

      • Międzynarodowe, wielokulturowe środowisko pracy, z dala od korporacyjnych standardów.
      • Pracę w przyjaznym i otwartym zespole.
      • Pracę na pełny etat, kartę Multisport, prywatną opiekę medyczną.

      Do naszego zespołu w Warszawie poszukujemy na stanowisko HR Specjalisty/Specjalisty ds. Kadr i Płac. Jeśli masz doświadczenie w różnych typach umów o pracę przy zatrudnianiu cudzoziemców i chcesz rozwijać swoją karierę w międzynarodowej firmie gamingowej o niekorporacyjnej kulturze pracy...

      Ta oferta jest dla Ciebie!


  • LQA Game Tester with Italian

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • LQA Game Tester with Italian

      Your responsibilities

      • Finding and correcting any translation errors, spelling mistakes and ambiguities.
      • Checking the game’s tone and style, audio, text, and cultural correctness.
      • Creating reports in Jira. You will be working on a range of testing platforms, including PC, mobile devices, VR, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox consoles and more.

      Our requirements

      • Perfect knowledge of Italian (C2 is minimum).
      • Very good level of English (C1 level is minimum)
      • Good technical and MS Office skills (Outlook, Excel, Word & PowerPoint, Teams).
      • Passionate about gaming and a curiosity for new titles (all types of games count!).
      • Experience in game testing, translation, or linguistic game testing is a plus.

      What we offer

      • A chance to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry, where you'll gain experience and develop skills in language testing methodologies and techniques.
      • A friendly and collaborative work environment, where we work together to achieve great quality in upcoming titles.
      • An informal and international culture, where you'll meet people from all around the world.
      • Work in an office with access to all the latest technological solutions and the newest generation of gaming equipment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to help you grow with us.
      • Relaxation areas with free fruits and coffee or tea, arcades, gaming consoles, and board games.
      • Casual contract.
      • Day shift: 9:00AM to 5.00PM.

      The rest is on us!

      Don't hesitate to apply today and let's make great games together!


  • LQA Game Tester with German

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • LQA Game Tester with German

      Your responsibilities

      • Finding and correcting any translation errors, spelling mistakes and ambiguities.
      • Checking the game’s tone and style, audio, text, and cultural correctness.
      • Creating reports in Jira. You will be working on a range of testing platforms, including PC, mobile devices, VR, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox consoles and more.

      Our requirements

      • Perfect knowledge of German (C2 is minimum).
      • Very good level of English (C1 level is minimum)
      • Good technical and MS Office skills (Outlook, Excel, Word & PowerPoint, Teams).
      • Passionate about gaming and a curiosity for new titles (all types of games count!).
      • Experience in game testing, translation, or linguistic game testing is a plus.

      What we offer

      • A chance to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry, where you'll gain experience and develop skills in language testing methodologies and techniques.
      • A friendly and collaborative work environment, where we work together to achieve great quality in upcoming titles.
      • An informal and international culture, where you'll meet people from all around the world.
      • Work in an office with access to all the latest technological solutions and the newest generation of gaming equipment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to help you grow with us.
      • Relaxation areas with free fruits and coffee or tea, arcades, gaming consoles, and board games.
      • Casual contract.
      • Day shift: 9:00AM to 5.00PM.

      The rest is on us!

      Don't hesitate to apply today and let's make great games together!


  • HR Specjalista / Specjalista ds. kadr i płac

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • HR Specjalista / Specjalista ds. kadr i płac

      Twój zakres obowiązków

      • Przygotowywanie umów, aneksów, świadectw pracy oraz innych dokumentów związanych z zatrudnieniem czy wynagrodzeniem.
      • Prowadzenie akt osobowych pracowników.
      • Wprowadzaniu danych pracowników do systemu HR i płacowego.
      • Kalkulacja czasu pracy.
      • Sprawdzanie ważności badań lekarskich i szkoleń z zakresu bhp.
      • Współpraca z działem finansów.
      • Przygotowywanie i wprowadzanie danych do listy płac.

      Nasze wymagania

      • Minimum 2 lata doświadczenia w HR na podobnym stanowisku.
      • Wykształcanie wyższe w dziedzinie HR lub pokrewnej.
      • Znajomość polskiego prawa pracy i przepisów dotyczących ubezpieczeń społecznych.
      • Znajomość procedur związanych z zatrudnianiem cudzoziemców.
      • Biegła znajomość języka polskiego oraz bardzo dobra języka angielskiego.
      • Dobra znajomość pakietu MS Office (MS Excel, MS Word).
      • Umiejętności organizacyjne, samodzielność w działaniu, dbałość o szczegóły.

      To oferujemy

      • Międzynarodowe, wielokulturowe środowisko pracy, z dala od korporacyjnych standardów.
      • Pracę w przyjaznym i otwartym zespole.
      • Pracę na pełny etat, kartę Multisport, prywatną opiekę medyczną.

      Do naszego zespołu w Warszawie poszukujemy na stanowisko HR Specjalisty/Specjalisty ds. Kadr i Płac. Jeśli masz doświadczenie w różnych typach umów o pracę przy zatrudnianiu cudzoziemców i chcesz rozwijać swoją karierę w międzynarodowej firmie gamingowej o niekorporacyjnej kulturze pracy...

      Ta oferta jest dla Ciebie!


  • Internal Trainer (soft skills)

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Internal Trainer (soft skills)

      Your responsibilities

      • Conduct training needs assessments to identify gaps in skills, knowledge, and competencies across departments.
      • Develop training materials, including presentations, manuals, handouts, and multimedia visual aids, tailored to meet the specific needs of different employee groups.
      • Deliver engaging and interactive training sessions using a variety of instructional techniques and formats, such as in-class workshops, webinars, and e-learning modules in areas of: interpersonal communication, feedbacking, managerial skills, customer service and TTT.
      • Coordinate logistics for training sessions, including scheduling, venue setup, equipment preparation, and participant registration.
      • Evaluate the effectiveness of training programs through participant feedback, performance assessments, and other relevant metrics, and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.
      • Collaborate with subject matter experts and department managers to ensure that training content remains accurate, relevant, and aligned with organizational goals and policies.
      • Maintain accurate records of training activities, attendance, and evaluation results to track progress and demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.
      • Keeping track of mandatory trainings completion rate, reporting of those and communicating the gaps with participants and/or their managers.
      • Optional: Serve as a resource for employees seeking guidance on professional development opportunities and career advancement pathways within the organization.
      • Optional: Provide one-on-one coaching and support to employees as needed to reinforce learning and address individual development needs.

      Our requirements

      • 2-3 years of experience in designing and delivering soft skills training programs.
      • Business proficiency in English (Polish language will be an asset).
      • Basic knowledge of social research methodologies.
      • Strong knowledge of adult learning principles and instructional design methodologies.
      • Excellent presentation and facilitation skills.
      • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
      • Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.
      • Ability to adapt to changing priorities and work in a fast-paced environment.

      What we offer

      • International and multicultural environment.
      • Independence and growth possibilities.
      • Friendly and open-minded teams.
      • Informal and casual environment, far from corporate standards.
      • Hybrid work opportunities (3-4 days per week from office required).
      • Full-time contract, Multisport sport, medical healthcare.

      We are seeking an Internal Trainer (soft skills) to join our team at Testronic. On this role you will play a critical role in designing and delivering training programs that enhance the skills and knowledge of our employees. In this role, you will collaborate with all departments, reporting to L&D Manager. If you are passionate about learning and development and thrive in a dynamic, collaborative environment, we invite you to join our team and make a meaningful impact on the growth and development of our workforce.


  • LQA Game Tester with Chinese Traditional

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • LQA Game Tester with Chinese Traditional

      Your responsibilities

      Join our Localization Quality Assurance department and be responsible for:

      •Finding and correcting any translation errors, spelling mistakes and ambiguities.

      •Checking the game’s tone and style, audio, text, and cultural correctness.

      •Creating reports in Jira. You will be working on a range of testing platforms, including PC, mobile devices, VR, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox consoles and more.

      If you are interested in exploring the gaming industry, developing your language skills, and looking for additional office and project-based work: then READ ON!

      Our requirements

      • Perfect knowledge of Chinese Traditional (C2 is minimum).
      • Very good level of English (C1 level is minimum)
      • Good technical and MS Office skills (Outlook, Excel, Word & PowerPoint, Teams).
      • Passionate about gaming and a curiosity for new titles (all types of games count!).
      • Experience in game testing, translation, or linguistic game testing is a plus.

      What we offer

      • A chance to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry, where you'll gain experience and develop skills in language testing methodologies and techniques.
      • A friendly and collaborative work environment, where we work together to achieve great quality in upcoming titles.
      • An informal and international culture, where you'll meet people from all around the world.
      • Work in an office with access to all the latest technological solutions and the newest generation of gaming equipment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to help you grow with us.
      • Relaxation areas with free fruits and coffee or tea, arcades, gaming consoles, and board games.
      • Casual contract.
      • Day shift: 9:00AM to 5.00PM.

      The rest is on us!

      Don't hesitate to apply today and let's make great games together!


  • LQA Game Tester with Korean

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • LQA Game Tester with Korean

      Your responsibilities

      Join our Localization Quality Assurance department and be responsible for:

      •Finding and correcting any translation errors, spelling mistakes and ambiguities.

      •Checking the game’s tone and style, audio, text, and cultural correctness.

      •Creating reports in Jira. You will be working on a range of testing platforms, including PC, mobile devices, VR, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox consoles and more.

      If you are interested in exploring the gaming industry, developing your language skills, and looking for additional office and project-based work: then READ ON!

      Our requirements

      • Perfect knowledge of Korean (C2 is minimum).
      • Very good level of English (C1 level is minimum)
      • Good technical and MS Office skills (Outlook, Excel, Word & PowerPoint, Teams).
      • Passionate about gaming and a curiosity for new titles (all types of games count!).
      • Experience in game testing, translation, or linguistic game testing is a plus.

      What we offer

      • A chance to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry, where you'll gain experience and develop skills in language testing methodologies and techniques.
      • A friendly and collaborative work environment, where we work together to achieve great quality in upcoming titles.
      • An informal and international culture, where you'll meet people from all around the world.
      • Work in an office with access to all the latest technological solutions and the newest generation of gaming equipment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to help you grow with us.
      • Relaxation areas with free fruits and coffee or tea, arcades, gaming consoles, and board games.
      • Casual contract.
      • Day shift: 9:00AM to 5.00PM.

      The rest is on us!

      Don't hesitate to apply today and let's make great games together!


  • LQA Game Tester with Japanese

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • LQA Game Tester with Japanese

      Your responsibilities

      Join our Localization Quality Assurance department and be responsible for:

      •Finding and correcting any translation errors, spelling mistakes and ambiguities.

      •Checking the game’s tone and style, audio, text, and cultural correctness.

      •Creating reports in Jira. You will be working on a range of testing platforms, including PC, mobile devices, VR, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox consoles and more.

      If you are interested in exploring the gaming industry, developing your language skills, and looking for additional office and project-based work: then READ ON!

      Our requirements

      • Perfect knowledge of Japanese (C2 is minimum).
      • Very good level of English (C1 level is minimum)
      • Good technical and MS Office skills (Outlook, Excel, Word & PowerPoint, Teams).
      • Passionate about gaming and a curiosity for new titles (all types of games count!).
      • Experience in game testing, translation, or linguistic game testing is a plus.

      What we offer

      • A chance to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry, where you'll gain experience and develop skills in language testing methodologies and techniques.
      • A friendly and collaborative work environment, where we work together to achieve great quality in upcoming titles.
      • An informal and international culture, where you'll meet people from all around the world.
      • Work in an office with access to all the latest technological solutions and the newest generation of gaming equipment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to help you grow with us.
      • Relaxation areas with free fruits and coffee or tea, arcades, gaming consoles, and board games.
      • Casual contract.
      • Day shift: 9:00AM to 5.00PM.

      The rest is on us!

      Don't hesitate to apply today and let's make great games together!


  • LQA Game Tester with Chinese Simplified

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • LQA Game Tester with Chinese Simplified

      Your responsibilities

      Join our Localization Quality Assurance department and be responsible for:

      •Finding and correcting any translation errors, spelling mistakes and ambiguities.

      •Checking the game’s tone and style, audio, text, and cultural correctness.

      •Creating reports in Jira. You will be working on a range of testing platforms, including PC, mobile devices, VR, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox consoles and more.

      If you are interested in exploring the gaming industry, developing your language skills, and looking for additional office and project-based work: then READ ON!

      Our requirements

      • Perfect knowledge of Chinese Simplified (C2 is minimum).
      • Very good level of English (C1 level is minimum)
      • Good technical and MS Office skills (Outlook, Excel, Word & PowerPoint, Teams).
      • Passionate about gaming and a curiosity for new titles (all types of games count!).
      • Experience in game testing, translation, or linguistic game testing is a plus.

      What we offer

      • A chance to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry, where you'll gain experience and develop skills in language testing methodologies and techniques.
      • A friendly and collaborative work environment, where we work together to achieve great quality in upcoming titles.
      • An informal and international culture, where you'll meet people from all around the world.
      • Work in an office with access to all the latest technological solutions and the newest generation of gaming equipment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to help you grow with us.
      • Relaxation areas with free fruits and coffee or tea, arcades, gaming consoles, and board games.
      • Casual contract.
      • Day shift: 9:00AM to 5.00PM.

      The rest is on us!

      Don't hesitate to apply today and let's make great games together!


  • LQA Game Tester with LATAM Spanish

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • LQA Game Tester with LATAM Spanish

      Your responsibilities

      Join our Localization Quality Assurance department and be responsible for:

      •Finding and correcting any translation errors, spelling mistakes and ambiguities.

      •Checking the game’s tone and style, audio, text, and cultural correctness.

      •Creating reports in Jira. You will be working on a range of testing platforms, including PC, mobile devices, VR, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox consoles and more.

      If you are interested in exploring the gaming industry, developing your language skills, and looking for additional office and project-based work: then READ ON!

      Our requirements

      • Perfect knowledge of Latam Spanish (C2 is minimum).
      • Very good level of English (C1 level is minimum)
      • Good technical and MS Office skills (Outlook, Excel, Word & PowerPoint, Teams).
      • Passionate about gaming and a curiosity for new titles (all types of games count!).
      • Experience in game testing, translation, or linguistic game testing is a plus.

      What we offer

      • A chance to get your foot in the door of the gaming industry, where you'll gain experience and develop skills in language testing methodologies and techniques.
      • A friendly and collaborative work environment, where we work together to achieve great quality in upcoming titles.
      • An informal and international culture, where you'll meet people from all around the world.
      • Work in an office with access to all the latest technological solutions and the newest generation of gaming equipment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to help you grow with us.
      • Relaxation areas with free fruits and coffee or tea, arcades, gaming consoles, and board games.
      • Casual contract.
      • Day shift: 9:00AM to 5.00PM.

      The rest is on us!

      Don't hesitate to apply today and let's make great games together!


  • Resource Administrator

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Resource Administrator

      Your responsibilities

      • Administrating the work schedules and shifts for Testers with staffing assignment for projects.
      • Analyzing and confirming employees’ schedules and availability. If needed, finding a suitable replacement for absent staff members.
      • Tracking and updating employee records with information about new hire (different contract types), changing the employment status, (unauthorized) absences, holidays, and sickness.
      • Using scheduling tools, prepare reports and monitor total headcount for each shift.
      • Close cooperation with Project Managers and Leads to improve processes, tools and services and deliver the best possible employee staffing solutions.
      • Regularly communicating any testing resource conflicts and staff capacity situation to Resource Coordinator or Manager.
      • Cooperating with IT and HR Admin, recruitment teams to prepare all what is needed for newcomers.

      Our requirements

      • Fluent English.
      • At least 1 year of working experience.
      • Knowledge of the basics staffing processes will be a plus.
      • Proactive approach, analytical skills, and great attention to detail.
      • Excellent communication skills and confidence to effectively work with all levels of the organization.
      • Good Microsoft Excel skills.
      • Ability to proactively network and establish effective working relationships with internal business partners.
      • Excellent organizational and time management skills.

      What we offer

      • Full-time contract.
      • Hybrid type of work.
      • Team of like-minded people.
      • Stable employment and professional growth in an international environment.
      • Online training platforms and workshops to level you up.
      • Private medical care.
      • Multisport card.
      • Relax areas with free fruits and drinks, arcades, gaming consoles and board games.

      Would you like to administrate work schedules and deploy staff for exact projects?

      Do you have a good level of Microsoft tools (Word, Excel, Power Point), which helps you in data management?

      Are you a people person who loves to work in a dynamic and international environment?

      If the answer is yes, this means that this position is for YOU!


  • Digital Packaging Technician

    Testronic Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technologies we use

      Operating system

      • Windows

      Your responsibilities

      • Conforming audio, video, and subtitle/caption content to platform specifications.
      • Perform metadata and packaging checks for multiple platforms.
      • Edit/prep content to conform to broadcast requirements and censorship purposes.
      • Creation of xml and json files in accordance with packaging specs for platforms common to digital distribution.
      • Prequalification of assets and deliverables.
      • Assemble finalized assets into one complete delivery package.
      • Additional QC of the materials.

      Our requirements

      • A good understanding of 4K (UHD), HDR, and IMF is required.
      • Knowledge of various high dynamic range technologies such as Dolby Vision, HLG, and HDR10+.
      • Understanding of subtitling specification and formats, audio sample rates, video frame rates, SMPTE timecode and traditional multichannel audio configurations (2.0, 5.1, 7.1).
      • Understanding of completing deliveries using S3 buckets, Aspera, Transporter and other file transferring methods.
      • Familiarity with basic film/video concepts, such as resolution, frame rate, NTSC, PAL, HD.

      What we offer

      • Full-time job on a permanent contract.
      • Clear salary bands available for the job position.
      • Benefits: health insurance, sport card, social fund.
      • International and multicultural environment - seriously, think about any nationality and you will find its representatives at Testronic.
      • Friendly and open-minded teams – we will support you, make you laugh and help you level up your career.
      • Informal and casual environment, far from corporate standards.


      • sharing the costs of sports activities
      • private medical care
      • integration events
      • video games at work
      • coffee / tea
      • drinks

      About the job

      Start your career in the entertainment industry, today, with TESTRONIC – one of the world’s leaders in testing the quality of multimedia. TESTRONIC provides the opportunity to work with the biggest movie and TV studios across the world!

      If you are looking for a new challenge in your life, then we may have a perfect position for you!

      This is a great opportunity for someone who is fluent in English, a team-oriented, technically skilled, systems-oriented, and has an overall "Roll Up Your Sleeves" approach to troubleshooting.

      Are you wondering if you are a perfect candidate for this role? Well, you are a perfect match if you are fluent in English. If you have some previous experience in QA and a good technical knowledge of various formats of digital video sources and encoding.

      Remember that this job requires ability to multitask and to organize your own work effectively. We are looking for an independent and resourceful person who will take responsibility for given projects and work.

      Are you ready to start your career in the most fascinating industry of entertainment?

      Make your application stand out and apply today!

      Testronic Sp. z o.o.

      We are the only global provider of Quality Assurance for all your content deliveries, from Master QC, to OTT, and Optical Disc.

      We collaborate with the entertainment industry, leading technology innovators, content owners, content creators, and broadcasters to devise safe testing strategies for emerging consumer technologies.

      Enough to say that Hollywood studios have relied on our testing services for decades, with Testronic testing the quality of 7 out of 10 of the highest-grossing Hollywood films to date, along with films from major Oscar nominated categories for the last 23 years.

      Let us give you the confidence you need before it’s released to the big screen and on any streaming platform or device.

      Digital Packaging Technician


Pracodawcy w Warszawie