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Mapa Union Square Internet Development sp. z o.o.

Siedziba główna w Krakowie

Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)


A full-service digital boutique with an innovative approach to both its clients and its employees.

At u2i we focus on helping companies achieve their goals through technology. We do that by developing digital products using agile processes. Businesses who want to make an impact using a digital product need a tech team that makes it easy to evolve the product. Every code release is an opportunity to validate and improve the product idea, and people with the right skill set and experience can make the process smooth and efficient. A company should never let technology be the limiting factor in developing the product. We believe that good communication is a must for efficient collaboration. We believe in daily calls and frequent demos. We want to make sure we understand the needs of our clients and we want to communicate all the assumptions we make. We feel the client and the vendor should be members of the same team working towards a common goal. Programming languages and frameworks are just tools. Naturally, there are some technologies that have a special place in our heart like Ruby on Rails, Chef, Ansible, AngularJS or Hadoop. However, we use only what makes sense in a particular business context and never shy away from learning something new.

Siedziba główna
Tworzenie oprogramowania
Ruby on Rails, Web Development, Agile Methodologies, Infrastructure Automation, Big Data, AngularJS, Chef, Ansible, Hive, Hadoop, Spark i Agile Coaching

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