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Mapa Flukar Sp. z o.o.

Siedziba główna

Dane firmy z social mediów (LinkedIn)


The largest independent Polish manufacturer of lubricants. A wide range of automotive and industrial oils.

About us: Our first production plant is situated in historical part of petrochemical industry, where Ignacy Łukasiewicz, distilation pioneer, invented his invaluable process. In 2013, historical brand of JASOL oils was reactivated. Refreshed image of products and new technologies contributed to the market success of this brand. A few years later, i.e. in 2018, the company introduces a line of premium products called REVLINE. It is a full range of modern oils for passenger and truck, as well as agricultural machinery. Thanks to the new brand, export sales has also started. New plant in Kędzirzeyn-Koźle was built and opened in 2020. We increase production capacity and our range of products gets wider. Experience and technical backgroud strenghten our company and our position chnage every year form local comapany to international, covering a lot of new world sites. Our brands started to be remarkable and well known in many parts of Europe. Dynamic development is our mission which contribute to meeting our customers requiremants and to satisfy them. We are ready to continue the expansion into a new markets. Our Brands: REVLINE – most modern engine oils which meets ACEA, API and other requiremants. Provided with the biggest OEMs approvals – MAN, MB, VW, DEUTZ etc. JASOL – industrial oils for every branch of industry which provide high quality products, hydraulic, gear, turbine, compressor, machine, multifunctional and others. FINERY – product lifecycle project that combines oil production, monitoring and used oil analyse and recycling.

Siedziba główna
Katowice, śląskie
Przemysł petrochemiczny

Rok założenia


Liczba pracowników


Liczba obserwujących


Flukar Sp. z o.o. poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 8 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
Flukar Sp. z o.o.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Kędzierzyn-Koźle
  2. Katowice
  3. Jasło
  4. Bydgoszcz
  5. Warszawa
  6. Piekary Śląskie
  7. Kraków
  8. Zakopane
  9. Dąbrowa Górnicza
  10. Wrocław

Data aktualizacji: 01.11.2024

Pracodawcy w Katowicach i okolicy