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Oferty pracy Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Przemysłowego PROJPRZEM S.A.

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Data aktualizacji: 26.09.2024

Mapa Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Przemysłowego PROJPRZEM S.A.

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Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Przemysłowego PROJPRZEM S.A.


We have 75 years of experience in delivering engineering solutions that develop our clients’ business potential. Since 1948 our engineers carried out more than 5000 engineering projects. We are one of the strongest engineering consulting companies based in Poland. Our core competency is a synergy of engineering expertise with understanding our customers businesses. We are more like engineering business partner than just consultant. We believe this is the way to success in delivering sustainable designs, keeping the balance among construction’s functionality, form, and cost effectiveness. We have a great experience in designing across many business sectors. Whether they are public or private, we pay special attention to deliver the same scope of values and quality in each of the markets. GBPBP PROJPRZEM SA has naturally grown on the production industry sector, however focusing on the sustainable-growth strategy, we constantly diversify the markets. Our multidisciplinary team of outstanding engineers is the greatest example of how local company meets requirements of global investors, and works according to their standards and language. Our consultancy services cover three areas: investment planning, designing and project management. Sustainable design during design process, we focus not only on construction costs of the investment, but also on costs related to its further maintenance. One of our core competencies is project management. Our delivery process is driven by highly skilled project managers, which expertise in engineering, economy, planning projects and managing teams of designers, contractors and suppliers. GBPBP PROJPRZEM SA has established and applies a quality assurance system, in compliance with standard ISO 9001:2008. We are also a member of MERGE- European network of Established and Experienced Consulting Engineers and IZBA PROJEKTOWANIA BUDOWLANEGO- chamber of design offices in Poland.

Siedziba główna
Feasibility study, Financial analysis of construction and maintenance, Due-dilligence, Risk assessment, Concept design, Building permit design, Detailed design, Technical statements, Deputy Investor, Site supervision, Project management, Engineering consultancy, BIM, 3DDesign, Design i Tender Documentation

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Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Przemysłowego PROJPRZEM S.A.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Gliwice

Data aktualizacji: 01.11.2024

Pracodawcy w Gliwicach i okolicy