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Huuuge Games sp. z o.o. praca


Witajcie w świecie Huuuge Games – miejscu, gdzie pasja do gier i społecznościowa zabawa łączą się, tworząc niezapomniane doświadczenia. Nasza podróż rozpoczęła się w 2002 roku, a od 2014 roku rozwijamy się pod marką Huuuge Games. Jesteśmy dumni, że możemy dzielić się z Wami naszą historią, która jest przesiąknięta innowacją i zaangażowaniem w dostarczanie rozrywki na najwyższym poziomie.

Nasze flagowe tytuły, Huuuge Casino i Billionaire Casino, to więcej niż gry – to społeczności, w których gracze z całego świata mogą się spotkać i wspólnie bawić. Dążymy do tego, aby nasza misja – stworzenie najbardziej społecznościowej platformy gier mobilnych typu free-to-play – była widoczna w każdym aspekcie naszej działalności. To właśnie motto „grajmy razem” kieruje naszym podejściem do projektowania gier, które są dostępne na platformach takich jak Apple App Store, Google Play, Amazon Appstore oraz Facebook.

Jesteśmy dumni z naszego międzynarodowego zasięgu, z biurami w Amsterdamie, Bydgoszczy, Helsinkach, Londynie, Limassol, Szczecinie, Tel Awiwie-Jafie oraz Warszawie. Każde z nich wnosi do naszej firmy unikalne doświadczenia i perspektywy, które są nieocenione w tworzeniu innowacyjnych i angażujących gier.

Nasza pozycja na rynku jest solidna – znajdujemy się wśród 50 największych producentów gier mobilnych oraz wśród 10 największych wydawców na platformy mobilne w regionie EMEA. To osiągnięcie jest wynikiem ciężkiej pracy, kreatywności i nieustannego dążenia do doskonałości. W Huuuge Games wierzymy, że nasza siła tkwi w ludziach – to oni są sercem naszej firmy. Dlatego zatrudniamy około 500 utalentowanych osób, które codziennie przyczyniają się do naszego sukcesu.

Innowacja jest dla nas kluczowa. Dlatego wprowadziliśmy zespoły "Huuuge Pods", które koncentrują się na rozwoju nowych, ekscytujących gier. Właśnie ta zdolność do innowacji i ciągłego doskonalenia naszych produktów stanowi naszą przewagę konkurencyjną.

W Huuuge Games jesteśmy więcej niż tylko firmą – jesteśmy społecznością, która łączy ludzi poprzez zabawę i wspólne emocje. Zapraszamy Was do dołączenia do naszej wielkiej, globalnej rodziny graczy i wspólnego świętowania każdego momentu spędzonego z naszymi grami. Razem tworzymy Huuuge Games – miejsce, gdzie każdy może znaleźć coś dla siebie i poczuć się jak w domu.

Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o. najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
- w kategoriach zawodowych:
it (informatyka) administracja biurowa / praca biurowa magazyn media / pr / reklama / marketing hr / kadry

Oferty pracy Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.

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Praca Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.

Oferty pracy, które mogą cię zainteresować

  • Psycholog

    Straż Miejska m. st. Warszawy
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • praca od zaraz
    Aplikuj szybko
  • Pielęgniarka / Pielęgniarz

    Centrum Medyczne Damiana
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę

    Mariusz Dziuba AnMar
    • 2 200-2 600 € netto / mies.
    • Niemcy
    • umowa o pracę
    Aplikuj szybko
    Polecana Popularna

Mapa Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.

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Dynamika publikacji ofert pracy w ostatnich 12 miesiącach

Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o. poszukuje najczęściej pracowników na stanowiska

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 9 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Bielsko-Biała
  2. Szczecin
  3. Warszawa
  4. Lublin
  5. Olsztyn
  6. Poznań
  7. Wrocław
  8. Zielona Góra
  9. Stargard
  10. Koszalin

Data aktualizacji: 01.07.2024

Praca Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o. - oferty archiwalne

  • IT Support Specialist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • We’re seeking an IT Support Specialist to join our Warsaw office. We have the perfect spot if you’re a tech-savvy professional who loves solving problems and supporting teams with your IT wizardry. Dive into a role where you’ll manage, troubleshoot, and optimize our IT operations, ensuring everything tech-related runs as smoothly as gameplay. Ready to make a significant impact in a dynamic environment? Play your part at Huuuge Games!

      IT Support Specialist

      Your responsibilities

      • Set up workstations and keep them running smoothly
      • Solve problems with hardware and networks
      • Deal with the whole process of buying, replacing, and keeping track of hardware and software
      • Provide technical support for all sorts of software, mobile devices, and other hardware issues
      • Help out remote users with their problems
      • Respond to requests and issues in a timely manner
      • Try out new technologies
      • Be responsible for ticket progress, monitoring, and escalation process

      Our requirements

      • At least 2 years of experience in IT Support
      • You’re a wizard with operating systems like MacOS, iOS, iPadOS, Windows, Windows Server, and Android
      • Fixing up computers is your jam, and you get the whole ICT system thing
      • You’ve got chops with Microsoft Intune for patching and configuring
      • You are familiar with EntraID
      • Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 are your playgrounds
      • You can break down tech talk into plain language that everyone understands
      • You’ve been in the trenches with deployments and vendor collaborations
      • Creative problem solver and eager to learn
      • Ability to juggle tasks and stay chill under pressure
      • Your English is fluent and you are ready to communicate like a pro


  • Senior Game Economy Specialist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Bydgoszcz
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Senior Game Economy Specialist

      Your responsibilities

      • Design and balance the economic systems according to data and desired players' behaviour
      • Develop net new insights about rewards, incentives, balance, pricing, and similar models of economic systems’ ability to meet player needs
      • Develop new analytical frameworks to quantify key health & performance attributes across game economies. Build simulations and predictive models to forecast the results of changes in configurations or content
      • Monitor and investigate micro and macro player balances to ensure the overall health of the game’s economy
      • Manage the pricing of in-game goods, balance between free content vs. paid currency in the game economy
      • Create different experiences for different type of players

      Our requirements

      • Genuine passion for gaming, and familiarity with mobile games
      • High Excel knowledge
      • 2+ years of experience in Game Economy
      • High familiarity with game economy design
      • Bachelor’s degree in economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, or a similar quantitative field
      • Advanced analytical skills, ability to spot patterns and trends
      • Product design, monetization knowledge, SQL / Python / VBA skills
      • Project management skills

      • MS Excel
      • Segmentation and configuration tools


  • Senior Game Economy Specialist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Senior Game Economy Specialist

      Your responsibilities

      • Design and balance the economic systems according to data and desired players' behaviour
      • Develop net new insights about rewards, incentives, balance, pricing, and similar models of economic systems’ ability to meet player needs
      • Develop new analytical frameworks to quantify key health & performance attributes across game economies. Build simulations and predictive models to forecast the results of changes in configurations or content
      • Monitor and investigate micro and macro player balances to ensure the overall health of the game’s economy
      • Manage the pricing of in-game goods, balance between free content vs. paid currency in the game economy
      • Create different experiences for different type of players

      Our requirements

      • Genuine passion for gaming, and familiarity with mobile games
      • High Excel knowledge
      • 2+ years of experience in Game Economy
      • High familiarity with game economy design
      • Bachelor’s degree in economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, or a similar quantitative field
      • Advanced analytical skills, ability to spot patterns and trends
      • Product design, monetization knowledge, SQL / Python / VBA skills
      • Project management skills

      • MS Excel
      • Segmentation and configuration tools


  • Marketing Data Scientist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Bydgoszcz
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Marketing Data Scientist

      Your responsibilities

      • Closely cooperate with Marketing Team in order to to design and implement data science models that tackle marketing challenges and will be aimed to improve KPIs
      • Analyze marketing KPIs & translate complex data findings into understandable terms for insights and strategic decisions
      • Develop meaningful predictive modeling & build reports based on them in order to optimize Marketing activity
      • Draw conclusions and suggest changes to the Marketing activities
      • Enhance data collection procedures to include relevant information for building analytic systems
      • Work with outside partners on data quality

      Our requirements

      • At least 3 years of professional experience working as a Data Scientist (in gaming/marketing/mobile applications area),
      • Strong experience in data mining and statistical analysis
      • Reporting tools experience (Tableau, Looker, Power BI etc.)
      • Good knowledge of statistical modeling machine learning techniques & tools
      • Experience with Python and/or R
      • Proficiency with SQL and/or Pyspark and/or Scala skills & ability to work with big amounts of data
      • Ability to clearly & easily present analysis outcome & excellent communication skills
      • Meticulousness, patience & attention to details
      • Great organisational skills, self-discipline & sense of ownership
      • Fluent English (B2/C1)
      • Professional experience in a similar position (gaming and/or digital marketing)
      • Understanding of mobile marketing processes and/or mobile games player’s funnel

      You are going yo utilize advanced data science & statistical techniques to uncover meaningful insights for Marketing team, apply data-driven methodologies to optimize Marketing activities, support decision-making processes (especially in the privacy era) and contribute to drive business growth and profitability


  • Marketing Data Scientist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Marketing Data Scientist

      Your responsibilities

      • Closely cooperate with Marketing Team in order to to design and implement data science models that tackle marketing challenges and will be aimed to improve KPIs
      • Analyze marketing KPIs & translate complex data findings into understandable terms for insights and strategic decisions
      • Develop meaningful predictive modeling & build reports based on them in order to optimize Marketing activity
      • Draw conclusions and suggest changes to the Marketing activities
      • Enhance data collection procedures to include relevant information for building analytic systems
      • Work with outside partners on data quality

      Our requirements

      • At least 3 years of professional experience working as a Data Scientist (in gaming/marketing/mobile applications area),
      • Strong experience in data mining and statistical analysis
      • Reporting tools experience (Tableau, Looker, Power BI etc.)
      • Good knowledge of statistical modeling machine learning techniques & tools
      • Experience with Python and/or R
      • Proficiency with SQL and/or Pyspark and/or Scala skills & ability to work with big amounts of data
      • Ability to clearly & easily present analysis outcome & excellent communication skills
      • Meticulousness, patience & attention to details
      • Great organisational skills, self-discipline & sense of ownership
      • Fluent English (B2/C1)
      • Professional experience in a similar position (gaming and/or digital marketing)
      • Understanding of mobile marketing processes and/or mobile games player’s funnel

      You are going yo utilize advanced data science & statistical techniques to uncover meaningful insights for Marketing team, apply data-driven methodologies to optimize Marketing activities, support decision-making processes (especially in the privacy era) and contribute to drive business growth and profitability


  • Marketing Data Scientist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Marketing Data Scientist

      Your responsibilities

      • Closely cooperate with Marketing Team in order to to design and implement data science models that tackle marketing challenges and will be aimed to improve KPIs
      • Analyze marketing KPIs & translate complex data findings into understandable terms for insights and strategic decisions
      • Develop meaningful predictive modeling & build reports based on them in order to optimize Marketing activity
      • Draw conclusions and suggest changes to the Marketing activities
      • Enhance data collection procedures to include relevant information for building analytic systems
      • Work with outside partners on data quality

      Our requirements

      • At least 3 years of professional experience working as a Data Scientist (in gaming/marketing/mobile applications area),
      • Strong experience in data mining and statistical analysis
      • Reporting tools experience (Tableau, Looker, Power BI etc.)
      • Good knowledge of statistical modeling machine learning techniques & tools
      • Experience with Python and/or R
      • Proficiency with SQL and/or Pyspark and/or Scala skills & ability to work with big amounts of data
      • Ability to clearly & easily present analysis outcome & excellent communication skills
      • Meticulousness, patience & attention to details
      • Great organisational skills, self-discipline & sense of ownership
      • Fluent English (B2/C1)
      • Professional experience in a similar position (gaming and/or digital marketing)
      • Understanding of mobile marketing processes and/or mobile games player’s funnel

      You are going yo utilize advanced data science & statistical techniques to uncover meaningful insights for Marketing team, apply data-driven methodologies to optimize Marketing activities, support decision-making processes (especially in the privacy era) and contribute to drive business growth and profitability


  • Junior Test Engineer

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Bydgoszcz
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Junior Test Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Perform end-to-end verification of mobile and web-based gaming applications in cooperation with a team of engineers
      • Create bugs that are easy to understand and give the right information for engineers and stakeholders
      • Contribute to system / product documentation
      • Keep status of assigned tasks up-to-date in project management tool
      • Deliver assigned work on time and with expected quality according to given priorities and processes
      • Update on job progress and report issues

      Our requirements

      • Knowledge of basic testing technics like functional test, integration test, unit tests
      • Being careful and precise when doing tests and reporting the results
      • Eagerness to learn industry best practices from others/available resources and share knowledge
      • Proactivity in filling in knowledge gaps
      • Communication skills: ability to communicate in an open, tactful and consistent manner
      • Ability to collaborate efficiently within the team
      • Respecting diverse approaches and actively seeking out alternative perspectives
      • Openness to implement suggestions and feedback
      • Ownership: ensuring that identified issue was taken care of
      • Fluent English
      • Experience in a similar position
      • Ability to work with defect management and bug reporting tools such as Jira or TestRail
      • Experience working in Scrum
      • Knowledge of test automation tools (e.g. Selenium)
      • Higher or technical education related to computer science


  • Head of Talent Acquisition & Development

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Head of Talent Acquisition & Development

      Your responsibilities

      • Team Leadership: Guide our dedicated team of 2 Senior Recruiters and 1 Recruitment & Learning Coordinator, fostering a culture of high performance and continuous improvement.
      • Revamp Our Approach: Craft and execute a talent acquisition and development strategy that prioritizes quality and fit.
      • Innovative Recruitment Process: Introduce cutting-edge recruitment and development practices by integrating advanced verification methods, including technical assessments and streamlining workflows with the use of new technologies
      • Focus on Growth: Design programs that not only bring in top talent but also ensure they grow, thrive, and lead in their fields.
      • Recruitment Partnerships: Create strong partnerships within the organization to champion a unified approach to talent management.
      • Make Data Work for Us: Use insights and analytics to drive smarter decisions and better outcomes.
      • Shape Our Brand: Lead initiatives that make our company the place to be for ambitious, talented professionals

      Our requirements

      • Experienced Leader: 4 years as a Recruitment Manager & Talent Development Manager, with a successful track record in strategic talent acquisition and employee development initiatives.
      • Industry and Technical Savvy: Experience in the IT/Gaming sector, with a deep understanding of technical skills assessment and cultural fit evaluation.
      • Strategic Approach: Proven ability to manage complex, cross-functional projects with a focus on talent development and strategic growth.
      • Analytical Mindset: A data-driven individual who uses insights to drive decisions, with a strategic approach to talent management.
      • Communication Excellence: English language proficiency, with the ability to communicate effectively across all levels of the organization.

      This position is for a forward-thinking leader, eager to enhance the way we attract and nurture talent. We're on a quest to foster a high-performing culture and are looking for a partner to help us shape this environment, someone who thrives on driving change.


  • Senior Product Marketing Manager

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Senior Product Marketing Manager

      Your responsibilities

      • Operating in intersections of F2P games product management, marketing/UA, live ops, and growth.
      • Ranging duties and ownership items from research and benchmarking (incl. macro, genre/category, audience, product, competitors, KPIs, etc. layers) to games product management support, go-to-market & strategy planning, marketing/UA execution and live ops / growth.
      • Strategizing, planning and running experiments from early-stage creative and concept testing to prototype market validation and games’ business case & healthiness validation at various stages.
      • Creatives research, benchmarking, strategies and optimization for PODs’ games.
      • Product and marketing/UA data analysis, benchmarking, forecasting, insights-building and action-taking – focusing on combining data-driven, data-informed, and creative decision-making with goal on effective commercialization.
      • Supporting and coordinating certain marketing and UA efforts.
      • Providing coaching and guidance for PODs and Marketing team with e.g., F2P best practices, trends, tools, channels, experimentation, go-to-market strategies and innovation in the intersection of product and marketing/UA.
      • Collaboration with PODs / POD Leaders, certain management team members and internal functions / teams.
      • Agency, services and tools management.

      Our requirements

      • Sufficient education / degree and experience in F2P games marketing/UA and/or product (marketing) management.
      • Experience in research and analysis – specifically in turning insights into actionable items.
      • Experience in building strategies, running experiments and execution based on various commercial and business objectives.
      • Knowing Product and Marketing KPIs inside-out.
      • Sufficient knowledge in F2P games product management and game development.
      • Experience working with cross-functional teams and projects.
      • Solid communication, documentation and presentation skills in English.
      • Analytical mind and effective combination of qualitative and quantitative skills.
      • Understanding of the mobile marketing funnel.
      • Hyper casual experience and/or commercial experimentation mindset
      • Hybrid casual experience and/or commercial experimentation mindset

      What we offer

      • Unique opportunity to work over various exciting projects and genres (from MMORPGs to Puzzle and Hybrid Casual titles), which you won’t find easily elsewhere.
      • Competitive salary.
      • Customary benefits.
      • Skills development opportunities.
      • Remote and/or hybrid work environment based on your location.
      • Customary health & sickness care.
      • Great teams and culture to take part in.

      When applying for this position, it is recommended to have a portfolio of proven quality / equivalent, which we can review.

      Huuuge Games’ PODs, focusing on new mobile games development, are looking for an experienced Senior Product Marketing Manager to operate in intersections of F2P games product management, marketing/UA, live ops, and growth. In this role, you’ll be a key member working with experienced studios focusing on various mobile game genres (from MMORPGs to Puzzle and Hybrid Casual titles) as well as Huuuge’s Marketing team.


  • Junior Test Engineer

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Junior Test Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Perform end-to-end verification of mobile and web-based gaming applications in cooperation with a team of engineers
      • Create bugs that are easy to understand and give the right information for engineers and stakeholders
      • Contribute to system / product documentation
      • Keep status of assigned tasks up-to-date in project management tool
      • Deliver assigned work on time and with expected quality according to given priorities and processes
      • Update on job progress and report issues

      Our requirements

      • Knowledge of basic testing technics like functional test, integration test, unit tests
      • Being careful and precise when doing tests and reporting the results
      • Eagerness to learn industry best practices from others/available resources and share knowledge
      • Proactivity in filling in knowledge gaps
      • Communication skills: ability to communicate in an open, tactful and consistent manner
      • Ability to collaborate efficiently within the team
      • Respecting diverse approaches and actively seeking out alternative perspectives
      • Openness to implement suggestions and feedback
      • Ownership: ensuring that identified issue was taken care of
      • Fluent English
      • Experience in a similar position
      • Ability to work with defect management and bug reporting tools such as Jira or TestRail
      • Experience working in Scrum
      • Knowledge of test automation tools (e.g. Selenium)
      • Higher or technical education related to computer science


  • Junior Test Engineer

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Junior Test Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Perform end-to-end verification of mobile and web-based gaming applications in cooperation with a team of engineers
      • Create bugs that are easy to understand and give the right information for engineers and stakeholders
      • Contribute to system / product documentation
      • Keep status of assigned tasks up-to-date in project management tool
      • Deliver assigned work on time and with expected quality according to given priorities and processes
      • Update on job progress and report issues

      Our requirements

      • Knowledge of basic testing technics like functional test, integration test, unit tests
      • Being careful and precise when doing tests and reporting the results
      • Eagerness to learn industry best practices from others/available resources and share knowledge
      • Proactivity in filling in knowledge gaps
      • Communication skills: ability to communicate in an open, tactful and consistent manner
      • Ability to collaborate efficiently within the team
      • Respecting diverse approaches and actively seeking out alternative perspectives
      • Openness to implement suggestions and feedback
      • Ownership: ensuring that identified issue was taken care of
      • Fluent English
      • Experience in a similar position
      • Ability to work with defect management and bug reporting tools such as Jira or TestRail
      • Experience working in Scrum
      • Knowledge of test automation tools (e.g. Selenium)
      • Higher or technical education related to computer science


  • Junior Software Engineer

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Junior Software Engineer

      Your responsibilities

      • Be working in scrum methodology on creating and maintaining code responsible for in-game functions on various code layers
      • Be developing and creating new game features and enhancements bringing huuuge business value to our product
      • Be coding in C++, LUA
      • Create and maintain code responsible for game systems and features in cooperation with a team of engineers.
      • Contribute to system / product documentation.
      • Implement automated tests to reduce risk of regression issues.
      • Keep status of assigned tasks up-to-date in project management tool (Jira).
      • Deliver assigned work on time and with expected quality according to given priorities and processes.
      • Update on job progress and report issues.

      Our requirements

      • Experience with your own projects (internship/studies/personal).
      • Eagerness to learn industry best practices from others/available resources and share knowledge.
      • Proactivity in filling in knowledge gaps.
      • Communication skills: ability to communicate in an open, tactful and consistent manner.
      • Ability to collaborate efficiently within the team.
      • Respecting diverse approaches and actively seeking out alternative perspectives.
      • Openness to implement suggestions and feedback.
      • Ownership: ensuring that identified issue was taken care of.
      • Past experience in software development.
      • Link to your github.
      • Experience with vetrsion control system (git/svn).
      • Experience with C++.
      • Experience with scripting programming languages (you will need to learn LUA).


  • Player Services Agent

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • We're looking for gamers who enjoy helping fellow gamers. You'll engage in chat conversations with our players, providing support and assistance throughout their gaming adventures. Share your expertise, impart necessary know-how, and resolve technical issues they encounter. Collect valuable feedback from players and strive to create an effortless and enjoyable experience for them.

      Team goals:

      Foster positive experiences through empathy, patience, and a solution-oriented approach Contribute to customer satisfaction and retention. Provide exceptional customer service, resolving issues promptly with clear communication.

      Player Services Agent

      Your responsibilities

      • resolve problems with our games, reported through the player support channels
      • provide high-quality support for players, responding to their messages through the social network, e-mails and reviews
      • gather player feedback and cooperate with the developers to implement improvements based on said feedback
      • strive to turn each query into a positive experience, to increase our players' satisfaction & engagement
      • identify and escalate issues according to defined processes
      • learn from others and develop yourself

      Our requirements

      • well-developed ability to communicate
      • computer handling proficiency and general knowledge of teleinformatic systems’ usage
      • excellent English language proficiency, both written and spoken
      • empathy and the ability to self-identify with the players’ problems
      • creative thinking and problem solving
      • dedication to bringing the players the best support possible
      • passion for video games and knowledge of the mobile and social casino game market
      • experience in working at a similar position or at customer service
      • practical experience with Helpshift customer support tool


  • Technical Product Director

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Bydgoszcz
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technical Product Director

      Your responsibilities

      • Manage a team of technical and data orientated product managers
      • Drive data product development initiatives hands on as a product champion - excellent understanding of APIs, data structures, databases a key part of the role
      • Build a culture of technical product excellence with strong collaboration between software engineers, data engineers, and product function.
      • Establish excellent collaboration with the development and data teams
      • Support the technical development of direct reports and upskill team members
      • Cooperate with game design, monetization, and economy teams to ensure we deliver best-in-class tools that empower our teams to build great games
      • Deliver new tools that make optimum use of AI & machine learning to truly deliver business results using A/B testing, dynamic segmentation, and player experience personalization

      Our requirements

      • +10 years product experience working with highly technical data products, at least 3 years in a people management role
      • Experience building game backend or game liveops systems a significant plus
      • Excellent understanding of data architecture and distributed data systems: data warehouse, AWS systems, time series data, etc.
      • Excellent understanding of machine learning and AI technologies and space
      • STEM education - computer science degree preferred
      • Previous experience as a developer a plus


  • Game Design Product Director

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Bydgoszcz
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Game Design Product Director

      Your responsibilities

      • Build a strong game design culture that mixes a strong data driven approach with the creation of delightful player experiences.
      • Build and manage a team of game designers and put in place robust product processes for game design.
      • Be an expert and a champion of data-informed game design - and ensure decisions are made with robust data backing.
      • Work with artists, designers, and developers to deliver new game features that delight our players and drive meaningful growth.
      • Ensure a player-centric approach in our game design process, that aims to deliver truly best-in-class player experiences.
      • Ensure healthy system design of our level and player progression.
      • Collaborate with marketing to drive game design initiatives that facilitate player acquisition.
      • Collaborate with our economy and monetization teams to ensure we maintain a healthy economy and achieve optimum monetization of our game features.

      Our requirements

      • +10 years game design experience with +3 years in a management role.
      • Strong game design background for multiple games - social casino experience a plus but optional.
      • Strong data analysis skills and experience using analytics tools.
      • Excellent product skills and ability to use Jira/Confluence stack, but also Figma, Miro, etc.
      • STEM education preferred.


  • Game Design Product Director

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Game Design Product Director

      Your responsibilities

      • Build a strong game design culture that mixes a strong data driven approach with the creation of delightful player experiences.
      • Build and manage a team of game designers and put in place robust product processes for game design.
      • Be an expert and a champion of data-informed game design - and ensure decisions are made with robust data backing.
      • Work with artists, designers, and developers to deliver new game features that delight our players and drive meaningful growth.
      • Ensure a player-centric approach in our game design process, that aims to deliver truly best-in-class player experiences.
      • Ensure healthy system design of our level and player progression.
      • Collaborate with marketing to drive game design initiatives that facilitate player acquisition.
      • Collaborate with our economy and monetization teams to ensure we maintain a healthy economy and achieve optimum monetization of our game features.

      Our requirements

      • +10 years game design experience with +3 years in a management role.
      • Strong game design background for multiple games - social casino experience a plus but optional.
      • Strong data analysis skills and experience using analytics tools.
      • Excellent product skills and ability to use Jira/Confluence stack, but also Figma, Miro, etc.
      • STEM education preferred.


  • Technical Product Director

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Szczecin
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Technical Product Director

      Your responsibilities

      • Manage a team of technical and data orientated product managers
      • Drive data product development initiatives hands on as a product champion - excellent understanding of APIs, data structures, databases a key part of the role
      • Build a culture of technical product excellence with strong collaboration between software engineers, data engineers, and product function.
      • Establish excellent collaboration with the development and data teams
      • Support the technical development of direct reports and upskill team members
      • Cooperate with game design, monetization, and economy teams to ensure we deliver best-in-class tools that empower our teams to build great games
      • Deliver new tools that make optimum use of AI & machine learning to truly deliver business results using A/B testing, dynamic segmentation, and player experience personalization

      Our requirements

      • +10 years product experience working with highly technical data products, at least 3 years in a people management role
      • Experience building game backend or game liveops systems a significant plus
      • Excellent understanding of data architecture and distributed data systems: data warehouse, AWS systems, time series data, etc.
      • Excellent understanding of machine learning and AI technologies and space
      • STEM education - computer science degree preferred
      • Previous experience as a developer a plus


  • Procurement Specialist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Procurement Specialist

      Your responsibilities

      • Collaborate with internal stakeholders to understand their procurement needs and requirements
      • Source and evaluate potential suppliers, negotiate contracts, and establish long-term relationships
      • Manage the procurement process from start to finish, including purchase order creation, tracking, and delivery
      • Monitor supplier performance and resolve any issues or discrepancies
      • Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures, as well as relevant regulations
      • Identify cost-saving opportunities and implement strategies to optimize procurement processes

      Our requirements

      • Minimum of 2 years of experience in procurement or a related field
      • Strong knowledge of procurement processes, including sourcing, negotiation, and contract management
      • Experience in vendor management and supplier relationship development
      • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
      • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment
      • Strong communication and negotiation skills
      • Attention to detail and ability to prioritize tasks effectively
      • Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements related to procurement

      This is a temporary 1-year replacement role

      JOB LOCATION: Warszawa or Bydgoszcz


  • Procurement Specialist

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Bydgoszcz
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Procurement Specialist

      Your responsibilities

      • Collaborate with internal stakeholders to understand their procurement needs and requirements
      • Source and evaluate potential suppliers, negotiate contracts, and establish long-term relationships
      • Manage the procurement process from start to finish, including purchase order creation, tracking, and delivery
      • Monitor supplier performance and resolve any issues or discrepancies
      • Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures, as well as relevant regulations
      • Identify cost-saving opportunities and implement strategies to optimize procurement processes

      Our requirements

      • Minimum of 2 years of experience in procurement or a related field
      • Strong knowledge of procurement processes, including sourcing, negotiation, and contract management
      • Experience in vendor management and supplier relationship development
      • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
      • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment
      • Strong communication and negotiation skills
      • Attention to detail and ability to prioritize tasks effectively
      • Knowledge of legal and regulatory requirements related to procurement

      This is a temporary 1-year replacement role

      JOB LOCATION: Warszawa or Bydgoszcz


  • Office Coordinator

    Huuuge Games Sp. z o.o.
    • Warszawa
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Office Coordinator

      Your responsibilities

      • Handle day-to-day office operations and provide general administrative support - making sure the office is organized, and optimally running
      • Be the face of the office to greet visitors (front desk role)
      • Plan and ensure the office is fully stocked with everything from coffee and groceries to office supplies
      • Organize and manage daily brunch, all local company and team events, parties, trainings, etc.
      • Be in the office every day and lend a helpful hand to your colleagues
      • Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence (e-mail, letters, packages etc.)
      • Maintain local and international vendors, including monitoring, ordering, and receiving office supplies (equipment, stationery, groceries, packages, etc.)
      • Participate in the onboarding of new employees
      • Process and reconcile monthly expenses using Jira
      • Organize business travels and account for business travels
      • Take care of ad-hoc projects as needed

      Our requirements

      • Previous experience as an Office Coordinator or similar administrative role is a must - minimum 2 years
      • Independence and taking responsibility for the smooth running of the office
      • Effective communicator (both Polish and English proficiency)
      • Patient, friendly, open-minded, can-do attitude
      • Highly organized, detail-oriented, resourceful and service-oriented
      • An understanding of how to prioritize workload while working on multiple projects with varying deadlines
      • Ability to work with Excel sheets


Pracodawcy w Szczecinie