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SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o praca


Jako SD Worx Poland, z dumą stawiamy na pierwszym miejscu rozwój i sukces naszych klientów. Nasza historia zaczęła się w Belgii w 1945 roku, a dziś, z siedzibą w Katowicach, jesteśmy uznawani za jednego z liderów w branży HR, oferując kompleksowe rozwiązania z zakresu płac i kadr. Nasza misja to wspieranie sukcesu biznesowego poprzez rozwój pracowników i efektywne zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi. Zatrudniając ponad 7 500 specjalistów, jesteśmy dumni z naszego międzynarodowego zasięgu, obecności w 26 krajach i możliwości obsługi klientów w ponad 150 krajach. Dzięki temu mamy unikalną perspektywę i doświadczenie, które przekładają się na wartość, jaką dostarczamy naszym partnerom biznesowym. Nasze usługi obejmują doradztwo i wsparcie techniczne, w tym wdrażanie rozwiązań SAP, SAP HCM, SAP SuccessFactors oraz SAP Business Technology Platform. Jesteśmy pionierami w zakresie technologii płacowej, a nasze innowacyjne podejście pozwala nam nieustannie wyznaczać nowe standardy w branży. W 2023 roku osiągnęliśmy skonsolidowany obrót w wysokości ponad 1.058 mld euro, co jest świadectwem naszej stabilności finansowej i zaufania, jakim obdarzają nas klienci. Nasza przewaga konkurencyjna to połączenie wieloletniego doświadczenia z innowacyjnym podejściem do technologii, co pozwala nam oferować usługi na najwyższym poziomie. W SD Worx Poland jesteśmy przekonani, że nasz sukces jest wynikiem sukcesu naszych klientów. Dlatego każdego dnia pracujemy z pasją, aby dostarczać rozwiązania, które przyczyniają się do ich rozwoju i osiągania wyznaczonych celów. Zapraszamy do współpracy i dołączenia do grona zadowolonych partnerów, którzy już zaufali naszemu doświadczeniu i ekspertyzie.

SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o najczęściej poszukuje kandydatów
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Praca SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o

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SD Worx Poland

For Life. For Work.

W dzisiejszym nowym świecie płynnej pracy ludzie chcą być zainspirowani tym, co robią i chcą skupić się na tym co ważne. Organizacje potrzebują dynamicznych, zmotywowanych pracowników, którzy będą mogli korzystać z inteligentnych technologii. Jako wiodący europejski dostawca zintegrowanych rozwiązań HR, SD Worx przekształca HR w źródło wartości dla biznesu swoich klientów i ludzi, którzy dla nich pracują. SD Worx dostarcza rozwiązania HR w całym cyklu życia pracownika, od płacenia wynagrodzeń pracownikom do przyciągania, zatrudniania, nagradzania i rozwijania talentów, które przyczyniają się do sukcesu firmy. SD Worx zwiększa wydajność dzięki czterem podstawowym możliwościom: oprogramowaniu, zlecaniu na zewnątrz, doradztwie i wglądowi opartemu na danych. SD Worx jest zaufanym, wiodącym europejskim dostawcą kompleksowych rozwiązań HR dla wszystkich organizacji i pracowników. Ponad 84 000 małych i dużych organizacji w Europie zaufało firmie, która posiada 75-letnie doświadczenie. SD Worx oblicza wynagrodzenia około 5,2 mln pracowników i plasuje się w pierwszej piątce na świecie. Ponad 7 500 pracowników działa w Belgii (siedziba główna), Austrii, Bułgarii, Chorwacji, Czechach, Danii, Estonii, Finlandii, Francji, Niemczech, na Węgrzech, w Irlandii, Włoszech, Luksemburgu, Mauritiusie, Holandii, Norwegii, Polsce, Rumunii, Serbii, Słowacji, Słowenii, Hiszpanii, Szwecji, Szwajcarii i Wielkiej Brytanii. Do końca 2023 r. SD Worx osiągnie skonsolidowane przychody w wysokości +1 mld EUR. Więcej informacji na

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Rok założenia


Liczba pracowników


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Dynamika publikacji ofert pracy w ostatnich 6 miesiącach

Statystyki odwiedzin opublikowanych ogłoszeń i profilu pracodawcy

Odwiedziny w ostatnich 8 miesiącach

Profil firmy:
SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
najczęściej odwiedzają kandydaci z miast:

  1. Warszawa
  2. Katowice
  3. Wrocław
  4. Tarnów
  5. Kraków
  6. Sułkowice
  7. Bielsko-Biała
  8. Gdańsk
  9. Jaworzno
  10. Kędzierzyn-Koźle

Data aktualizacji: 01.09.2024

Praca SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o - oferty archiwalne

  • Payroll Teamcoordinator – DE

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Poznań
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Payroll Teamcoordinator – DE

      Your responsibilities

      • Responsibility for payroll for the assigned clients
      • Provide technical advice to the team and support the team leader
      • Ensure high quality of service Project responsibility
      • Ongoing optimisation of workflows/processes and coordination with our clients
      • Organise the team to ensure monthly payroll is completed
      • Manage the development and expansion of the team and/or client portfolio
      • Proactively communicate with our clients and improve client relationships
      • Job shadowing to uncover opportunities for continuous improvement and promote consistent ways of working
      • Support the onboarding of new employees (coordination of the 6- week plan)
      • Supporting the sales department with technical questions
      • Testing the billing system

      Our requirements

      • Completed vocational training
      • Ideally business studies Professional experience in payroll accounting and/or Human Resources
      • At least 3 years of German payroll experience in SAP
      • Good MS Office skills
      • Independent working style with high ability to work in a team
      • Assertiveness and ability to work under pressure
      • High social and communication skills
      • Strong service and customer orientation
      • Entrepreneurial thinking and acting
      • Good written and spoken German skills
      • Good English skills an advantage

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievement
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Integration events
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field our you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together.

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life.


  • Payroll Teamcoordinator – DE

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Zamość
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Payroll Teamcoordinator – DE

      Your responsibilities

      • Responsibility for payroll for the assigned clients
      • Provide technical advice to the team and support the team leader
      • Ensure high quality of service Project responsibility
      • Ongoing optimisation of workflows/processes and coordination with our clients
      • Organise the team to ensure monthly payroll is completed
      • Manage the development and expansion of the team and/or client portfolio
      • Proactively communicate with our clients and improve client relationships
      • Job shadowing to uncover opportunities for continuous improvement and promote consistent ways of working
      • Support the onboarding of new employees (coordination of the 6- week plan)
      • Supporting the sales department with technical questions
      • Testing the billing system

      Our requirements

      • Completed vocational training
      • Ideally business studies Professional experience in payroll accounting and/or Human Resources
      • At least 3 years of German payroll experience in SAP
      • Good MS Office skills
      • Independent working style with high ability to work in a team
      • Assertiveness and ability to work under pressure
      • High social and communication skills
      • Strong service and customer orientation
      • Entrepreneurial thinking and acting
      • Good written and spoken German skills
      • Good English skills an advantage

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievement
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Integration events
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field our you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together.

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life.


  • Payroll Teamcoordinator – DE

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Białystok
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Payroll Teamcoordinator – DE

      Your responsibilities

      • Responsibility for payroll for the assigned clients
      • Provide technical advice to the team and support the team leader
      • Ensure high quality of service Project responsibility
      • Ongoing optimisation of workflows/processes and coordination with our clients
      • Organise the team to ensure monthly payroll is completed
      • Manage the development and expansion of the team and/or client portfolio
      • Proactively communicate with our clients and improve client relationships
      • Job shadowing to uncover opportunities for continuous improvement and promote consistent ways of working
      • Support the onboarding of new employees (coordination of the 6- week plan)
      • Supporting the sales department with technical questions
      • Testing the billing system

      Our requirements

      • Completed vocational training
      • Ideally business studies Professional experience in payroll accounting and/or Human Resources
      • At least 3 years of German payroll experience in SAP
      • Good MS Office skills
      • Independent working style with high ability to work in a team
      • Assertiveness and ability to work under pressure
      • High social and communication skills
      • Strong service and customer orientation
      • Entrepreneurial thinking and acting
      • Good written and spoken German skills
      • Good English skills an advantage

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievement
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Integration events
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field our you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together.

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life.


  • Senior Payroll Advisor with German

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Zamość
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Senior Payroll Advisor with German

      Your responsibilities

      • Independent preparation and calculation of monthly payroll for German customers
      • Processing of all payroll-relevant business transactions (e.g., sick leave processing, entries and exits, capacity changes, partial retirement, early retirement, etc.)
      • Processing of notifications and certificates for social insurance agencies and employers' liability insurance associations
      • Independent oral and written communication with health insurance funds, insurance carriers, pension insurance carriers, family insurance funds and similar authorities and offices
      • Contact person for employees in all matters of active payroll accounting / daily telephone and written support for employees in matters of tax and social security behavior of payroll accounting in the event of changes and corrections
      • Support for payroll accounting / clarification of differences and corrections
      • Dunning process for reclaiming overpayments
      • Cooperation with personnel administration in matters of salary-related implementation of contract components
      • Mail processing in digital (Levadoc) and physical form

      Our requirements

      • Excellent written and spoken German and good English language skills
      • Practical experience in an independent payroll accounting for German customer – is a must
      • Knowledge of income tax and social security law in Germany
      • Practical experience in dealing with a common billing system
      • Experienced handling of the common MS-Office tools
      • Independent, conscientious, and well-structured way of working
      • Strong service and customer orientation

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievement
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Integration events
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field our you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life.


  • Senior Payroll Advisor with German

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Białystok
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Senior Payroll Advisor with German

      Your responsibilities

      • Independent preparation and calculation of monthly payroll for German customers
      • Processing of all payroll-relevant business transactions (e.g., sick leave processing, entries and exits, capacity changes, partial retirement, early retirement, etc.)
      • Processing of notifications and certificates for social insurance agencies and employers' liability insurance associations
      • Independent oral and written communication with health insurance funds, insurance carriers, pension insurance carriers, family insurance funds and similar authorities and offices
      • Contact person for employees in all matters of active payroll accounting / daily telephone and written support for employees in matters of tax and social security behavior of payroll accounting in the event of changes and corrections
      • Support for payroll accounting / clarification of differences and corrections
      • Dunning process for reclaiming overpayments
      • Cooperation with personnel administration in matters of salary-related implementation of contract components
      • Mail processing in digital (Levadoc) and physical form

      Our requirements

      • Excellent written and spoken German and good English language skills
      • Practical experience in an independent payroll accounting for German customer – is a must
      • Knowledge of income tax and social security law in Germany
      • Practical experience in dealing with a common billing system
      • Experienced handling of the common MS-Office tools
      • Independent, conscientious, and well-structured way of working
      • Strong service and customer orientation

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievement
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Integration events
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field our you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life.


  • Team Manager German Payroll

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Katowice
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Team Manager German Payroll

      Your responsibilities

      • Leadership, coaching, and support of a team
      • Proactive management of team capacities and client steering
      • Monitoring of work processes
      • Implementation of process optimizations
      • Support in contract negotiations
      • Ensuring compliance with company policies and legal regulations
      • Collaboration with internal and external auditors
      • Generating additional business with a focus on recurring revenues and ongoing costs
      • Project responsibility

      Our requirements

      • Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, or a related field (Master's degree or relevant certifications such as Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) preferred).
      • Demonstrated experience in payroll management, including payroll processing and compliance.
      • Strong understanding of payroll regulations and tax laws at the federal and state levels
      • Proficiency in SAP PA and PY
      • Excellent German and English language skills
      • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
      • Strong leadership and team management skills
      • Experience in Agile and/or Lean methods

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievements
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Free language courses (during your working hours)
      • Life insurance
      • Bonus Plan
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Employee loans
      • Holiday allowance
      • Workation - possibility to work from any location where SD Worx is located (4 weeks per year)
      • Free parking spaces for employees
      • Referral program
      • Employee Capital Plans - 3.5% on the employer's side
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field or you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together.

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin color, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, and stage of life.


  • Junior Payroll & Benefits Specialist (inhouse)

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Katowice
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Junior Payroll & Benefits Specialist (inhouse)

      Your responsibilities

      • Assist in the preparation and processing of payroll on monthly basis
      • Verify timesheets, attendance records, and other relevant data to ensure accuracy
      • Process new hires, terminations, and changes to employee payroll information
      • Calculate and input payroll deductions, including taxes, benefits, and garnishments
      • Resolve payroll discrepancies and address employee inquiries in a timely and professional manner
      • Assist in maintaining accurate payroll records and files
      • Provide administration of local benefits
      • Collaborate with HR and finance departments to ensure alignment on payroll-related matters
      • Stay updated on relevant laws, regulations, and best practices in payroll administration

      Our requirements

      • Prior experience in payroll processing
      • Familiarity with payroll software and systems: Enova and Płatnik
      • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, particularly Excel
      • Good command of English
      • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Finance, Business Administration, or related field preferred
      • Strong attention to detail and accuracy in data entry and calculations.
      • Excellent organizational and time management skills
      • Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with discretion.
      • Effective communication skills, both written and verbal

      What we offer

      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • PPK - pension scheme at 3,5%
      • Loans for employees


  • Application Support Engineer (CEE)

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Katowice
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Application Support Engineer (CEE)

      Your responsibilities

      • Implement and oversee the installation, ongoing maintenance, and monitoring of databases and application systems within large-scale server environments.
      • Develop administrative tools to streamline and automate workflow processes.
      • Ensure the reliable performance of applications within our HR cloud infrastructure.
      • Provide efficient troubleshooting solutions and problem resolution for system issues.
      • Engage actively in various projects contributing to the enhancement of system functionalities.
      • Coordinate with 3rd party service providers to maintain system standards and performance benchmarks for ex. suppliers installing printers, access points, technicians testing our server rooms etc.
      • Płatnik support: installing, creating databases, troubleshooting in case of issues
      • Enova support: installing P2S VPN, troubleshooting, being point of contact between Datio (3rd party supplier) and SD Worx Workplace Services Team (mostly Networking Team)
      • Overall local support with software and hardware issues for users (as much as you could without admin access), taking care of local networking on a small scale
      • Management of mobile phone process from ordering to setting up
      • Support smart automation initiatives from an technical side

      Our requirements

      • Completed vocational training as an IT specialist for systems integration or comparable training
      • Very good knowledge of Microsoft operating systems
      • Good knowledge of Microsoft database systems (MsSQL)
      • Knowledge of Citrix Xen-App version 6.5 and higher desirable
      • Confident handling of Powershell
      • Good knowledge of Polish and English language
      • Distinct customer and service orientation
      • Ability to work in a team
      • A well-structured way of working as well as strong communication skills

      What we offer

      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Loans for employees
      • Referral program


  • Implementation Consultant Core HR

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Katowice
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Implementation Consultant Core HR

      Your responsibilities

      • You implement the new SD Worx HR software solution for our customers as part of the team
      • You have an open ear for the change requests of our customers and connect them with the solutions that SD Worx offers
      • You actively work on the further development and optimization of our software and service processes and always think in an integrative way
      • You are the technical contact person for our internal and external program users
      • You will develop into a specialist in the areas of payroll, HR or project management or contribute your knowledge as a generalist for these areas to projects

      Our requirements

      • A keen attention to detail and a customer-oriented mindset. But also:
      • You have a successfully completed degree in the field of computer science, business informatics, industrial engineering or a successfully completed commercial/technical vocational training in the fields of EDP, informatics or application development
      • You work well with the current MS Office tools
      • You know at least one accounting system in the area of implementation and have already carried out implementations independently
      • You can work independently as well as in a team and are willing to take on responsibility
      • You have the ability to take your tasks into your own hands and shape them
      • You have very good German and good English language skills

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievement
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period,
      • Cafeteria system / multisport card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years), Integration events)
      • A dynamic environment with flexible working hours
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field our you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together.

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life


  • Senior Payroll Advisor with German

    SD Worx Poland Sp. z o.o
    • Katowice
    • umowa o pracę
    • pełny etat
    • Senior Payroll Advisor with German

      Your responsibilities

      • Independent preparation and calculation of monthly payroll for German customers
      • Processing of all payroll-relevant business transactions (e.g., sick leave processing, entries and exits, capacity changes, partial retirement, early retirement, etc.)
      • Processing of notifications and certificates for social insurance agencies and employers' liability insurance associations
      • Independent oral and written communication with health insurance funds, insurance carriers, pension insurance carriers, family insurance funds and similar authorities and offices
      • Contact person for employees in all matters of active payroll accounting / daily telephone and written support for employees in matters of tax and social security behavior of payroll accounting in the event of changes and corrections
      • Support for payroll accounting / clarification of differences and corrections
      • Dunning process for reclaiming overpayments
      • Cooperation with personnel administration in matters of salary-related implementation of contract components
      • Mail processing in digital (Levadoc) and physical form

      Our requirements

      • Excellent written and spoken German and good English language skills
      • Practical experience in an independent payroll accounting for German customer – is a must
      • Knowledge of income tax and social security law in Germany
      • Practical experience in dealing with a common billing system
      • Experienced handling of the common MS-Office tools
      • Independent, conscientious, and well-structured way of working
      • Strong service and customer orientation

      What we offer

      • An attractive salary based on your experience and achievement
      • Stable employment conditions: permanent contract of employment (after a 3-month probation period)
      • Flexible working time and remote work opportunities
      • Private medical care (LuxMed)
      • Life insurance & Bonus Plan
      • Cafeteria system / Multisport Card
      • Meal vouchers – Edenred Card
      • Financial allowance for remote working
      • Subsidy for glasses or lenses (500 PLN once every 2 years)
      • Integration events
      • Learning opportunities: through an individual development plan and professional training
      • Career growth: whether you want to become more of an expert in your field our you want to expand your knowledge more horizontally, there is always room to grow within SD Worx!

      From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together.

      SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life.


Pracodawcy w Katowicach